Garden Photo of the Day

Jill’s Delaware Garden

Scenes from a garden that keeps growing and developing

pathway in garden

My name is Jill Beringer, and I live in a development in Hockessin, Delaware, on about half an acre. I submitted photos once before when my garden was in its initial phase, but my passion for gardening continues! I keep finding ways to add water features and hardscape walls and paths, partly out of necessity (to raise the plants out of my swampy yard) but also for interest. My husband and I have moved over 7 tons of rock multiple times and dug ditches for drainage piping, and we’re still not done. I also overwinter many nonhardy plants in my basement, as they add needed height and color to the garden once they get going again in the spring. But as the trees mature, it’s getting harder and harder to find the sunlight. This, combined with my desire to help the birds and the pollinators, inspires me to keep reducing the lawn area. That means less work for my husband but more for me! It’s a work in progress, but here are some photos of my garden to date.

LantanasHere’s a summer view of the garden. Lantanas (Lantana camara) are usually grown as annuals, but they grow into small shrubs in warm climates. By bringing this one inside to overwinter, Jill gets dramatic height out of it.

dark red primrosesSpring blooms include dark red primroses (Primula japonica, Zones 3–9). This type of primrose loves moist soil, so it is a good fit for Jill’s swampy yard.

A wider view of the garden in spring, with all the fresh green of new foliage.This wider view of the garden in spring includes all the fresh green of new foliage.

view of garden beds from aboveIn looking from above you can see how much of the lawn has been transformed into garden beds.

turtle on rocks in the gardenA beautiful visitor to one of the water features

Clouds of blue flowers from glory of the snowClouds of blue flowers from glory of the snow (Chionodoxa, Zones 3–8) make a beautiful, romantic effect in early spring.

hydrangeaHuge flower heads of smooth hydrangea (Hydrangea arborescens, Zones 3–9)

foliage in the shade gardenA rich diversity of foliage in the shade garden

A little rabbit in the shade gardenLuckily, this is the kind of rabbit that doesn’t eat plants.

Wide view of the shade garden.Wide view of the shade garden

View 26 comments


  1. Jay_Sifford 01/05/2022

    Your garden is really beautiful. I especially love the stone work, your primulas (a favorite of mine), and the turtle. Happy gardening!

    1. user-6861263 01/05/2022

      Thank you- Adding more to the left out of the picture so more natives coming!

  2. sandyprowse 01/05/2022

    Well the one thing I can say is that all that heavy lifting of rocks was worth it! Absolutely splendid. Was such a pleasure to see this especially now. It seems like summer was years ago here in Canada with our frigid weather. Well done!

    1. user-6861263 01/05/2022

      Thank you- getting our first real burst of cold now! Can’t wait for Spring!

  3. User avater
    treasuresmom 01/05/2022

    I love your Chionodoxa swath. I am zone 8b and they just won't grow here.

  4. garden1953 01/05/2022

    Love your garden. Absolutely beautiful!

  5. User avater
    PKKing 01/05/2022

    Lovely garden! As I look out at my own garden now covered in ice and snow, your garden pictures are a delightful respite for the eye.

  6. User avater
    user-7007816 01/05/2022

    Beautiful garden. I particularly like the way you have planted the shady areas with a variety of colors and textures.

  7. User avater
    cynthia2020 01/05/2022

    Jill - I enjoyed looking at all of the photos of your garden. Thank you for sharing!

  8. fromvirginia 01/05/2022

    Thanks for sharing. Lovely indeed. Love the texture in the shade garden and all the stonework.

    1. user-6861263 01/05/2022

      Thank you!

  9. Redtwig 01/05/2022

    Looking for a water feature similar to the one shown. Could you point me in the right direction to find one?? Most I have seen are flimsy. Want something sturdy. Thanks

    1. user-6861263 01/05/2022

      I've attached a link of the exact fountain - You can check with Campania to see what vendors they support near you.

      1. user-6861263 01/05/2022

        Also, we put a light inside and it's magical at nighttime!

  10. btucker9675 01/05/2022

    Your garden is simply wonderful. So jealous of your primroses!! Everything is perfection and don't you love it when turtles come to call?

    1. user-6861263 01/05/2022

      Thank you- the primroses are almost too vigorous in my wet yard- I thin them out regularly and they self seed in my steps! As do lobelia and toad lily.

  11. User avater
    simplesue 01/05/2022

    Oh wow! Love that shade garden photo and a turtle visitor to the water cool, it really shows how water in a garden is wild life friendly.
    I'm really loving your garden!
    The flag stone path is really nice way to stroll through your plants and garden.

    1. user-6861263 01/05/2022

      Thanks so much- working on another path out of view- and adding more natives too.
      The turtle visits me a couple times a season- love seeing her!

      1. User avater
        simplesue 01/05/2022

        Looking forward to seeing your new path I made one small one and it was such a puzzle to put together). So cool the turtle hangs out/visits your garden!
        I like seeing how people's gardens progress and mature over time so hope you post again.

  12. user-5117752 01/05/2022

    Simply delightful and I mean that in every sense of the word! Your combinations and colors are delight to the eyes as well as your design of the different beds! Just wish I had to thin out primroses, lobelia and toad lilies but they say "be careful what you wish for". I really just need your inspiration. Thank you for sharing!!!

    1. user-6861263 01/06/2022

      Thanks so much!

  13. [email protected] 01/05/2022

    What a treat to see your photos today. I'm so puzzled as to what is coming next climate-wise to our PNW garden. Tons of snow here since day after Christmas, and the horrible heat bubbles we had last winter-Yikes! Neither is usual for us. But grateful that things aren't worse, as they are for so many. Your garden is very inspiring, and I am anxious to get going!

  14. rminirth 01/05/2022

    Gorgeous! Really love this. Do you have an IG account or YouTube, blog? I’d love to follow you if you do. Mine is @ThePsychGarden

    1. user-6861263 01/05/2022

      I just checked out your Instagram! Wow- so beautiful!! We seem to have a similar gardening style! Would love to know how the roses do in the hot humid weather as De. Is the same. Need a climber for my trellis! Yours are beautiful. No, I don’t have an Instagram account yet…

  15. bsavage 01/06/2022

    Absolutely beautiful!!!

  16. nicki_s 01/06/2022

    Fabulous garden! Thanks for sharing.

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