Garden Photo of the Day

Jonathan’s Guster Pool Garden

Quirky art sets this garden apart

garden bed with flamingo garden art

Today’s photos come from Jonathan Harris, in Maine, who is sharing the garden around his pool, which he calls his Guster Pool Garden, because there are signs on the fence with lyrics from songs by the band Guster.

garden bed in front of a wooden fenceThe song lyrics here are tucked under a blooming hardy hibiscus (Hibiscus syriacus, Zones 4–9), next to a red-leaved ninebark (Physocarpus opulifolius, Zones 2–8), and below a white Oriental lily (Lilium hybrid, Oriental group, Zones 4–7).

wooden fence adorned with garden art behind a big clump of yellow flowersGarden art decorates the fence, while between it and the pool a big clump of black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia fulgida, Zones 3–9) thrives.

narrow garden bed between pool and fenceAlong this side of the pool are several stems of common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca, Zones 3–9) so the monarch butterflies will have something to lay their eggs on.

doll head sitting in a clump of plantsSome of Jonathan’s garden decorations are a little off the beaten path.

full view of gardena around the poolA pot of orange Gazania (annual) echoes the color of the black-eyed Susans on the other side of the pool.

garden bed with flamingo garden artA flock of pink flamingos patrols the garden.

large ornamental grass next to poolTall ornamental grasses (Miscanthus sinensis, Zones 5–9) surround the pool.  I bet it is nice to sit in that float and listen to the wind in the grasses.

poolside garden from another viewA wide view of the poolside plantings gives a sense of how this beautiful space all fits together.


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  1. nwphilagardener 05/25/2022

    What seems so unusual and effective is that the rich planting bed is directly at the pool's edge, without a walkway separating the foliage from the reflective water. Sounds like a challenging maintenance situation but it sure changes the impression from beyond the pool. And I imagine it is exciting to be so close while IN the pool, too!

  2. user-7392754 05/25/2022

    Love all the fun decorative accents among the plants!!! It adds so much interest and personality!!!

  3. user-5117752 05/25/2022

    Fun and beauty! Such a great combination! Just love your plantings and design!

  4. btucker9675 05/25/2022

    Just this evening I was in our pool and, although we have a travertine surround, my plantings are quite close. There are two hummingbird mint plants near some catmint and my happy pig cement sculpture and as I was treading water, a male ruby throated hummingbird came and sipped from the hummingbird mint for almost a full minute. It was simply marvelous. I like this funky garden although the doll head freaks me out a bit...

  5. User avater
    bdowen 05/27/2022

    It must be so relaxing to be floating in your pool surrounded by such lush plantings. Wonder what your local great blue herons think about the pink flamingoes!

  6. User avater
    simplesue 05/28/2022

    Oh myyyyyyy! I'm so in love with your pool set in a pretty garden with that huge ornamental grass tucked in the curve with the weeping evergreen!
    So peaceful of a scene that I feel the peace just looking at it.
    And oh yes- I'm love'n the doll head decor peering out of the flowers, gives your garden a sense of humor and surprise!

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