Garden Photo of the Day

Julie’s Lovely Arbutus and More, from Victoria BC

Today's photos are from Julie Flatt. Nice Arbutus – makes a mess, but yes, well worth it!

"Hi Folks! A few shots from Victoria BC. The interesting leaves are from my Acer pseudocasia 'Eskimo Sunset'. The large tree trunk is of an Arbutus, native to this part of North America. It's evergreen, but manages to dump a massive amount of leaves in August. The bark peels annually too. Very messy, but worth it! This tree was a volunteer and emerged when we removed our lawn. The Arbutus is only about 15years old and about 30ft tall."

Keep sending in photos, everyone! Whether you've never shared before or you've been featured multiple times, we want to see your garden! Email a few photos and a little info about your garden to

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  1. Nurserynotnordstroms 05/27/2015

    Julie your gardens are so beautiful. I love inside out flowers I just thinned mine out last night and moved some into our ravine(we are planting mostly natives)I love your garden art in the fourth photo,did you make that?when I retire I am going to take a ceramic class and do some fun garden art. What is in the glass globe that's sitting in the bird bath?your Astrantia is blooming already,mine isn't even close,and your Eskimo Sunset is just a gorgeous tree.I love it all your colors,textures and combinations,perfectly placed I am so glad you shared this it made my day.

    1. perenniallycrazy 05/27/2015

      Hi Glenda! How are you? How does your garden grow these days? We missed you.

      1. Nurserynotnordstroms 05/28/2015

        Hi Cherry,I am fine but we have been working hard outside. I just sent photos in last evening to GPOD hopefully you will see them soon. I know you didn't ask me you asked Julie but here is my two cents worth. My Vancouveria is easy to maintain,it pulls out easily and transfers to another area like a champ. This time of the year my business is very busy too and I over did on my wrists gardening,being a hairdresser,making jewelry and custom bridal was to much for my carpal tunell and I coulnt bear the thought of typing anything. I am back to feeling up to keyboarding so I'm back periodically. So nice of you to say hi. Oh and I got the "Dragon Wings"begonia I hope it's as beautiful as the one you planted up. When do we get to see your gardens?Happy gardening to you ???

        1. User avater
          meander_michaele 05/28/2015

          I empathize with your wrist aches from overdoing, Glenda. I try to be mindful of not doing too much of one kind of repetitive movement in a row but, sometimes, the choice isn't as easy to make...esp. when you have professional responsibilities like you do.

          1. Nurserynotnordstroms 05/28/2015

            One of my hair clients is an arm and hand specialist and she showed me some stretches for my wrist and it really works I just need to take the time and do them.? it's to bad everything I love uses basically the same hand movements. Have a great day

        2. perenniallycrazy 05/31/2015

          Sounds like you've been too busy. I'm sorry to hear about your wrists. I hope that a physiotherapist that specializes in hand problems can help you manage your problems. Thanks for your tip on Vancouveria. I hope that Susan posts your garden photos too. Can't wait to see them. Love begonias of all kinds - flowers, foliage and all. Trying out some new varieties this year. Please keep in touch. Take care.

    2. sheila_schultz 05/28/2015

      Wonderful to hear your voice Glenda... we've missed you! Have fun with your busy season!!!

      1. Nurserynotnordstroms 05/28/2015

        That was sweet Sheila. Yes I love my brides and I have been designing fun and playful pieces along with some very elegant pieces. I love what I do. Then I come home and play in my gardens until Don offers me a headlamp to see or says dinners ready. I missed all of you too!!!have a happy day Sheila

  2. perenniallycrazy 05/27/2015

    Magnificent Julie! So glad you shared your photos with us. I concur with what Nurserynotnordstrom (Hi Glenda!) was asking about your garden art - did you make that? Really nice especially with the ferns. Gorgeous Astrantia and Vancouveria too. How do you keep the Vancouveria behaved?

  3. User avater
    meander_michaele 05/28/2015

    What a beautiful specimen tree your 'Eskimo Sunset' must be, Julie. I did not know that an Acer family tree existed that had such attractive variegated leaves. I think a google search and some reading will follow after I post this. I can't quite tell what variety of evergreen the fabulous contorted tree is...I'd appreciate it if you could tell me. I love how the trunk flattens out some where it takes that dramatic got a beauty!

  4. SweetPeaGardens 05/28/2015

    Meander1: That is a Weeping Larix. When young, the trunk is just a whippy thing that can be manipulated into any shape. I love what the grower did with this one, I was lucky to find it. Glenda & Cherry: The ceramics are made locally from 2 creative souls. You can find them on FB: Fiddlestick Pottery. I think that if ferns had flowers, they would look like that.. Vancoureria does travel, but is polite about it, and gives way easily as Glenda mentioned.

    1. User avater
      meander_michaele 05/28/2015

      Thanks, Julie...your answer sent me off to read about Weeping Larix. I see that it is deciduous. Must be such a treat to get to view that sensuously curving trunk in the winter when it is "bare naked". The info on it said it was hardy up to zone 8 but does prefer cooler temps. I wonder if it would sulk if it was faced with the summer heat and humidity we deal with here in TN (6b).

  5. SweetPeaGardens 05/28/2015

    .....and the "globe" in the birdbath is a fish bowl filled with birch paper from my trees.

    1. Nurserynotnordstroms 05/28/2015

      That is such a great idea,the paper is so very very pretty and to place it close by makes a visual impact on the exceptional beauty those trees offer.thanks for the information on the ceramic pieces in the fern. I LOVE how those look!! Julie I hope you will send in more photos soon your gardens are so beautiful.

  6. sheila_schultz 05/28/2015

    Julie, you must send in more photos! Your gardens are just plain dreamy... the textures, shapes and colors are beyond perfect. And the Weeping Larix not only sounds like it is out of a Dr. Seuss book, but it looks like it, too! That tree is beyond cool, I love it!!!

  7. GrannyMay 05/28/2015

    Great photos and beautiful woodland tapestry look, Julie! I see that a lot of the plants in your last three photos are perfect for dry shade, is that what you have? Is the purple-leafed shrub a Ninebark?

  8. SweetPeaGardens 05/28/2015

    GrannyMay: yes, it's a Nine Bark, Physocarpus 'Diabolo' aka 'Diablo'. My yard is basically clay, and before I planted, there would be standing water during our wet winters. After planting 40+ trees and adding tons of compost, we no longer have a swamp. Watering is just once a week during the summer, with a little extra on the birches.

    1. GrannyMay 05/28/2015

      Thanks Julie, I like the look of the Physocarpus. I almost got the tree version of that one, but opted for an Acer palmatum 'Emperor I' instead. I'm still deliberating whether to get the shrub.

      It is funny how different our micro-climates can be. I'm north of Victoria, but on really dry, rocky, sandy, poor soil. In all but a few places, I could stand with a hose running and never create a puddle. I'm always looking for drought tolerant plants, both for the sunny and the shady areas in my garden. I've been watering like crazy all month (only 5 mm in my rain gauge) and it will only get worse as the weather warms up.

  9. SweetPeaGardens 05/28/2015

    Meander1: See if you can find a photo with the Larix in winter. The branches have nobs on them so that the tree looks to be sporting dreadlocks. I almost like this look best. When the new needles emerge, they are very soft and light green/yellow. Fall sees the needles gold/yellow. Great to look at any season!

  10. GrannyCC 05/28/2015

    Hi Julie what a wonderful woodland garden you have. I don't know the Larix so will have to investigate. As Sheila says it does sound as if it is out of Dr, Suess. The garden art is lovely especially in among the ferns. I live near you and have seen them at the HCP show in the summer.

  11. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 05/28/2015

    I must admit I was a little taken aback when I went searching for a GPOD post and saw a thumbnail of a curvaceous, smooth leg in the first photo. Not quite suitable for polite company! I eventually realized it was a tree trunk. Definitely worth the mess it makes! :)
    I love everything I see: plants, hardscaping, chotchkes, the photography. I've killed more astrantia than I care to admit, so I'll admire and enjoy yours from a distance!
    What's the golden-baby-tears-looking plant near the Vancouveria and Hakenochloa?

    1. SweetPeaGardens 05/28/2015

      Good eye Tim, it is a golden baby tears (Soleirolia soleirolii Aurea). This is perfect for that skinny hell strip between the house and pathway in dry shade. Here in Zone 7(ish) it stayed looking good all winter under those conditions. It appears to be hardier than the green variety.

      1. User avater
        Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 05/28/2015

        Well my eye wasn't so good for the Arbutus.....The baby tears is hardy to zone 7-ish? I would have guessed zone 10. It's a great texture and color pop. You have a designer's eye. Cheers!

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