Garden Photo of the Day

Late Autumn in Central Pennslyvania

Cotinus coggygria ‘Royal Purple’ (backlit)

Kevin Kelly does indeed have a favorite of the four gardening seasons, as shown in these fabulous fall photos!

"Today was a beautiful day in Harrisburg, PA. As I was taking apart my fountains (I have 5 that I store for the winter), I couldn’t help but take a few more photos of my garden. I strive hard to create a four season garden, but I must admit I love fall the best. I leave most of my perennials up though the winter. The leaves stay in the beds, and I shred leaves that are on the lawn. My neighbors laugh as I am frequently seen carrying away the leaves they rake to the curb, to shred for leaf compost. Hope you enjoy the pictures."

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Acer rubrum ‘October Glory’

Molinia arundinacea ‘Skyracer’ (Moor Grass)

Cotinus coggygria ‘Royal Purple’

Hydrangea quercifolia ‘Alice’

Hakonechloa macra ‘Aureola’ developing reddish streaks before going dormant

Fothergilla gardenii ‘Blue Shadow’

Cornus kousa

Epimedium x rubrum

Upright Japanese Maple (variety unknown)

View 27 comments


  1. User avater
    meander_michaele 11/11/2015

    Such captivating pictures, doesn't take a sumptuously large and lush flower blossom to communicate nature's beauty. These humble leaves, backlit by the sun, are like stunning stained glass works of art. I share your love for autumn. Thanks so much for sharing.

    1. diane_lasauce 11/11/2015

      Well said, Meander1, I totally agree.

    2. user-7007498 11/11/2015

      So true. There is so much beauty in nature and the changing seasons. Sometimes, we can get so busy and not notice. My love of photography helps to focus on small details. Thanks for the kind remarks.

  2. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 11/11/2015

    Hey, Kevin! Great to see more shots of your garden. Love your plant collection. Thanks for the shot of 'Blue Shadow'-since it is already on my must-have list, I might just have to add a few stars next to it on the list. Great shot of the oak leaf hydrangea. I've got one dud slated for demolition in spring, but two others that are coloring up beautifully. Autumn seems to be really taking her time here in Ohio (and I'm assuming PA, too) and I'm okay with that!

    1. user-7007498 11/11/2015

      Last weekend was just so beautiful, I couldn't resist sending more photos. I had remembered in another post that you were looking at 'Blue Shadow', which is why I included that photo. I have only had it 2 full seasons. It is terrific year round.

      Autumn has been slow, and it is cool to see plants just achieving peak fall color now.

      1. User avater
        Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 11/11/2015

        Much obliged for the Fothergilla photo!

  3. greengenes 11/11/2015

    Great pictures, Kevin! I can feel the crispness in the air with the cooler heat of the shortened sunshine. Isnt it a wonderful time of the year! It sure is coloring up at your gardens! That is good that you are using the leaves. I collect them too from the neighbors and dump them on an area that needs more soil. Soon I will be able to work this area for new plantings. Its so good to always stay busy. It seems like there is always something to do in every season! Thanks for a glimpse of your garden!

    1. user-7007498 11/11/2015

      Thanks. I stopped using fertilizer on the plants (except annual), and only use leaf compost. I have done soil testing, and have had great results.

  4. NCYarden 11/11/2015

    Hi Kevin. Fall is so wonderful and these warm colors from your garden are an exclamation point on the season.These photos will probably make my wife long for her home in back in Harrisburg herself, especially since Autumn displays can be spotty here in NC piedmont depending on the severity of the (nasty) summers. Love the vibrance of that Japanese maple. Thank you for sharing.

    1. user-7007498 11/11/2015

      Thanks for the kind remarks. I hope Autumn lasts awhile as I can't stand winter (after about 4 weeks)

      1. Luvfall 11/11/2015

        I'm a big fan of leaf mold. Do you spread yours as soon as you shred it or do you let it 'cook' for a period first?

        1. user-7007498 11/11/2015

          I spread about half around the garden beds and lawn now (freshly shredded), and let the rest cook until late May. Seems to work for me.

  5. wGardens 11/11/2015

    Very nice. It just re-enforces the fact that I NEED Epimedium! Thanks for sharing!

    1. user-7007498 11/11/2015

      Yes. I have about 12 different cultivars of epimedium. So great for dry shade. Slow to spread, but such a great ground cover.

      1. wGardens 11/11/2015

        Do you have any particular favorites?

        1. user-7007498 11/12/2015

          epimedium x rubrum was my first, and is a dependable workhorse. 'Sandy Claws' is rare and so cool. Chocolate brown leaves in the spring with creamy yellow flowers,
          'Frohnleiten' is easy to find (some think it is the same as 'Sulphureum' has a nice multicolored leaf with yellow flowers.
          Epimedium zhushanense is very rare and has cool spiny leaves, with awesome purple-pink flowers.

          I mail order the cool, rarer ones from Plant Delights.

          1. wGardens 11/12/2015

            Thanks so much Kevin; I appreciate your knowledge and willingness to share! I will check "Plant Delights' web site!

          2. User avater
            Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 11/13/2015

            I'm trying to arrange a trip to Plant Delights to see the Juniper Level Botanic Garden and the nursery first hand on one of their open days. Tony Avent grows some great, great plants. Not all of the cool nurseries are on the west coast!
            Speaking of the west coast, have you ever checked out Edelweiss Perennials online? Lots of Epimendiums and cool plants. Back to the east coast, have you ordered from Darrell Probst at Garden Visions? Such amazing Epimediums. I haven't ordered from them yet. Their lack of online ordering gets in the way of my impulse-buying!

      2. User avater
        Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 11/11/2015

        yes, please tell. I have 6, and they are such great, interesting plants: Kaguyahime, Domino, Sandy Claws, Bandit, Black sea, and Purple Heart.

  6. VikkiVA 11/11/2015

    Your first picture, October Glory, and the last, Japanese Maple are breathtaking. Thanks for these beautiful reflections of the season.

    1. user-7007498 11/11/2015

      Thanks. I love to see leaves backlit by the sun.

  7. sheila_schultz 11/11/2015

    Kevin, I don't think anyone would question why you love Fall after looking at these photos. The depth of warm tones in the leaves of your plantings, high and low, are simply spectacular. Enjoy the fleeting beauty while it lasts!

    1. user-7007498 11/12/2015

      Thanks. Fall has arrived in stages, and the colors have been terrific over the past 6 weeks. I have been loving it.

  8. user-4691082 11/11/2015

    Kevin, love the photos! Thanks for sharing!

  9. User avater
    LindaonWhidbey 11/11/2015

    I also share your live of fall, Kevin, and it looks like you get a spectacular show in your yard. It's not quite as showy here in western WA so thanks for sharing.

  10. Meelianthus 11/11/2015

    You certainly have proven Kevin that the Fall garden is truly a place of beauty. All of the colors are just so stunning! What a joy for you to take in before all of the leaves are gone for another year. Thank you

    1. user-7007498 11/11/2015

      Thanks for the kind remarks. Autumn is such a great time to rejuvenate us after the summer heat. I love all the colors of fall.

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