Garden Photo of the Day

Late summer in Terie’s New York Garden

Left-to-right: white impatiens, pink mum, lavender creeping lantana, creeping red thyme. Behind Symba, lobelia, purple mum, pink daisy mum in birdbath, Greek oregano and 'Autumn Joy' sedum. Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Terie Rawn

We’ve visited Terie Rawn’s garden in upstate New York lots of times (refresh your memory HERE and HERE…and follow the links there to earlier posts–there are too many to list!), and it never gets old, so I was happy to get another batch of photos from her earlier this week!

‘Whirlwind’ hosta and ‘Ornamental Limelight’ artemisia brighten up this corner as you round it to enter the backyard. Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Terie Rawn

Terie says, “As the 2013 summer season comes to a close we are savoring every bit of what Autumn has to offer. While portions of the gardens are fading, others are coming into their own by offering late blooms, berries, softer hues, or the promise of dramatic colors. With lush foliage from this summers frequent rains I anticipate a striking October display.”

Impatiens are helping to fill in the blank spots of a new developing garden. (some in other gardens have succumb to the dreaded disease) Dracaena and creeping jenny top off the barrel. The shade of maple trees tempt us to relax more often… Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Terie Rawn

Yup, as gorgeous as always, Terie. Keep updating us!

It’s STILL prime time to take some photos in your garden! So get out there with your cameras and send some in! Email them to

Climbing the corner of our Garden Cottage is Porcelain vine. The pea-size berries ripen to beautiful pastel colors. I connect it with small hooks and cut it to the ground every other year to prevent thickening stems from damaging the structure. Notice the tiny hummingbirds on the first window screen? Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Terie Rawn
Magnetic hummingbirds found in Cape May several years ago. Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Terie Rawn
I sent potato vine vertical by attaching it to a wrought iron piece between the garage doors and then simply tucking it behind the corner molding on the end. Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Terie Rawn
Houseplant, Dracaena thrives in the outdoors so I use it as a centerpiece in several planters and will bring them back indoors for the winter months. Coleus are favorites to use on this end of the house where the sun doesn’t shine. Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Terie Rawn
Mid to late summer blooms of Persicaria amplexicaulis ‘Firetail’ add interesting texture to the woodland garden. Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Terie Rawn
Fall Crocus emerging among hosta, Plumbago, pink fall mums and Roman wormwood in the foreground. Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Terie Rawn
Porcelain vine berries ~ also look great in fall arrangements. Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Terie Rawn

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View 24 comments


  1. deeinde 09/20/2013

    Beautiful, Terie! Your gardens are always a favorite of mine!
    How in the world do you keep the Porcelain vine under control? I had it once and had to pull out thousands of seedlings each year! I finally got rid of it.

  2. user-1020932 09/20/2013

    as always ,,, lush, full, varied and full of color/texture and always nice to see
    i, too, was wondering about porcelain vine control. beautiful plant but i've always had it on my beware list along with sweet autumn clematis , wisteria and akebia. how do you keep ahead of it?

  3. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 09/20/2013

    So beautiful. Love the dracaena with the coleus and sweet potato. It is luminescent!

  4. User avater
    meander_michaele 09/20/2013

    Sigh... talk about a garden I would love Michelle to take a very leisurely walk through with the Google Glasses...yours is at the top of the list. And, of course, we would need you giving commentary, Terie. Your new area under the maple trees looks very you ever succumb to its seductive whispers to rest a while?
    Your first picture is total perfection...all those soft blending colors make a wonderful living frame for a very healthy looking kitty who looks like he/she's only resting for a moment.

  5. tractor1 09/20/2013

    Terie's garden makes for a very relaxing environment... I hear that hammock calling my name. I like that Firetail, I wonder if the deer eat it. As usual everything lush and neat as a pin. Thank you, Terie.

  6. Quiltingmamma 09/20/2013

    Wow, lovely garden. I can see this is going to be revisited a few times today. Lovely.

  7. terieLR 09/20/2013

    Good morning friends. Because the Porcelain vine is always kept fresh, (cut back every other year to the ground) it hasn't become too much of an issue. Where it grows along the front is over a deck so the berries either get swept or dry up. Maybe because it doesn't get full sun, the berries are not as plentiful. The other day I caught several chickadee snitching them so perhaps other birds use them for fuel.

    meander1 ~ Your observation is correct, Symba was not being very cooperative and I had to keep putting him back on the wall, stating that his GPOD fans wanted to see him once again. That 'look' says it all... and the tail. lol Oh! what fun it would be for Google Glasses to come for a stroll on Michelle's face. ;)

    Your name is on the hammock tractor1 ~ there's another across the pond. I'll relax, if you will! Deer don't venture into this part of the garden (lucky me) so I can't say for sure if they would find Firetail tasty.

  8. mainer59 09/20/2013

    I love, love, love your garden. Your less often seen plants intrigue me because I expect you are zone 4 or 5, like me. I often wonder how to use fall crocus. In spring the small flowers have no competition but by fall other things are towering around them. Your photo gives ideas. I also like firetail. I searched for it here and was told by one nursery that it doesn't do well in Maine. I am not sure I believe that. Is it hard to grow? It sure doesn't look like it in your photo. In fact, I wonder from that photo if it is as thuggish as some persicaria or if it is a plant that needs a controlling hand but isn't an outright bully to its neighbors.

  9. pattyspencer 09/20/2013

    You would never know by the looks of those pictures that the your gardening season is coming to an end - just beautiful!

  10. GrannyMay 09/20/2013

    A beautiful garden to end the week. Terie everything looks so fresh and perfect, nothing fading in these photos! Hope you continue to send updates into the fall. Your Autumn crocus photo reminded me that I have some, somewhere... maybe they are hiding under the cranesbill.

    Jeff (tntreeman) do you have Pyracantha on your beware list? I have to fight that twice a year and its thorns are vicious! I love wisteria and akebia and though they do create extra work, at least they don't attack me when I dive in with the pruners.

  11. user-1020932 09/20/2013

    may, pyracantha don't bother me IF i am consistent with pruning and don't let them get out of control and into attack mode. i have , however, started using Cotoneaster parneyi as i can train it easily, it grows rapidly, heavy berry set and NO THORNS. i forgot to mention another vine,,,,,,,,,,,,,,trumpet creeper AKA the devils shoestrings . Akebia here goes wild and comes up everywhere

  12. sheila_schultz 09/20/2013

    Yay! Looking at photos of bits and peices of your yard is the perfect way to start my morning, Terie. There is a softness to your gardens that I always find very calming. They are beautiful and I adore them. BTW, the containers by your garage doors are awesome. I love the 'pop' that particular dracaena gives to a shady nook. Happy fall, my gardening friends!

  13. tractor1 09/20/2013

    I had to research Firetail as I think it would show well in my wildflower meadow, along my creek, and along my forest paths.

    Fine Gardening has a piece about Firetail:

    And here it says Firetail tolerates deer:

    If I can find a source nearby I will try some... it's difficult to find perennials that deer won't eat.

    The photo in my thumbnail is of one of my seven dead cedars being removed... next the stumps ground.

  14. TeriCA 09/20/2013

    I am also wondering about the Porcelain vine...anybody have a botanical name? Not in my Sunset Western Gardening book under that name... Terie your gardens are lovely, and relaxing. I also have a double wide hammock, but, (BIG SIGH) no where to put it right now, so it's hanging out in my closet. These pictures are beautiful....

  15. tractor1 09/20/2013

    Easy to find info on the net:

    It's one of those invasive plants one should be cautous about planting, you may tolerate it but your neighbors may want to lynch you:

  16. terieLR 09/20/2013

    mainer59~ Yes, we are zone 5. Firetail does get a lot of attention on our garden walks because most people are not familiar with it. It has grown easily for me and stays center to where I plant it. The tops really branch out while it continues to flower, which is 4-5 weeks. Even though the flowering stem is tiny, a multitude of them give the illusion that it takes up much ground space. The tips of those flowers reach 5 feet so I've planted 3 bunches in the center of a peninsula area.

    Planting annuals is important in shade gardening because I like to have a little color at all times, especially into the fall season. Shade perennials mostly flower in the spring and early summer. This year has kept the gardens going strong with sturdy hosta-stem well into September. (that's not the norm) The garden with our cat in the foreground gets enough dappled sun to keep the annuals happy.
    So, yes some parts of the gardens are still colorful while others... well, I just don't take pictures of them. ;)

    Sheila~ thank you for commenting on the containers. This is my no-fail combination and varies little from year to year. I need to be braver, like you! I hope you are safe from all the flooding and devastation in your area.

    TeriCA~ I will be checking out that site that tractor1 posted! (thanks!) Maybe we will find out the name? I SIGH with you. There's something very wrong about a hammock in a closet. Wish I could send a tree.

  17. terieLR 09/20/2013

    Ha~ that WAS the name. Ampelopsis brevipedunculata = Porcelain vine. A friend has the variegated one but it has become a nuisance. I think cutting them back to a ft. helps. They grow back very quickly.

  18. sheila_schultz 09/20/2013

    terieLR... you have such a gentle sense of design, no need to be braver! Your container style works beautifully with with your gardens, both have the same comfortable feel and in my book... that's perfection. (I really am going to use that dracaena for a pair of shade pots next year!)
    Thank you for your concern about the flooding in CO. We took on some water, but it's a very minor annoyance compared to so many that have lost everything. A few sheets of drywall will cure all our issues. I just wish it was that easy for the 1,000's that have been displaced.

  19. thegardenlady 09/21/2013

    Beautiful garden. I like the way you trained the sweet potato vines vertically. I wonder if the firetail attracts your hummingbirds. Seems like it would. I do think the porcelain vine berries are beautiful too, but at our place on the CT shoreline it is very invasive and quickly swallows anything it can get near, trees shrubs, etc. I'm sure birds help plant it. I'm sure you maintain pretty good control with your annual cutting back. Unfortunately in wilder spots, that doesn't happen. It's a constant battle to control it. Your cat reminds me of one I had in college days and had to keep at my parents' farm. He seemed to always know if I was coming home and would come in from the fields in time to greet me at the house. He was a great cat.

  20. cwheat000 09/21/2013

    Really special fall display, Terie. You have a lot going on for so late in the season, and it is not just mums. I must find a way to add fall crocus to my garden. I also love the persicaria. Great use of houseplants, too. The surrounding vistas look stunning as well.

  21. user-1020932 09/21/2013

    thank you, terieLR, and apologies to my checkbook . i managed to find 3 Firetails locally and will today get them planted. i might need a shoe horn and WD40 to squeeze yet more plants into the yarden

  22. Cynthia 09/21/2013

    I love this garden and the photography is spectacular. I especially love the photo with the magnetic hummingbirds. I would love to find some of those.

    However I too worry about the porcelain vine. It is spread by the birds and is very invasive here in New Jersey. It can quickly overrun shrubs and trees in the woodlands. We are battling it in the nature center where I am a volunteer gardener trying to remove invasive plants and reestablish the native plantings.

    I know the color of the porcelain vine berries is beautiful, but there are native plants which also have spectacular berries. My Viburnum nudum "Winterthur" is now sporting berries in deep pink and blue in the same clusters, much the same as the porcelain berry, and the leaves are a rich mahogany-red. I also have Callicarpa americana and those berries are a lavender-purple color that always surprises garden visitors.

  23. terieLR 09/21/2013

    Good for you Jeff. You won't be sorry. If kept moist enough, the foliage shows off in the fall too. Happy planting.

    Thank you cwheat000~ Fall crocus are funny. The big leaves come up in the spring (reminding you that it's there) then they die off. (not very pretty) Make sure you plant near something else that won't overshadow them. In the middle of a low-growing ground cover perhaps? Hey, I should try that!

    thegardenlady~ We do have a number of hummingbirds. I have not seen them at the Firetail but maybe that's because there is so much else to sip. Besides the feeders, black & blue Salvia, bee balm and hosta flowers, our woods are lined with jewelweed so we have regulars and migrators here until the end of September. (happy me)
    Symba has been with us for 10 years now. We often comment that he is just like a dog. He greets us home from work and goes for walks through the woods. Ha ~ he even jumps in the double hammock with us!

  24. terieLR 09/21/2013

    Thank you Cynthia for volunteering your time to a nature center! Your vine suggestions are timely as I am looking to add more native plants. Love Viburnums ~ and will check into the Callicarpa americana. I am thankful that porcelain vine hasn't become an issue here for me but will certainly warn others.

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