Garden Photo of the Day

Lee’s Garden Through the Eyes of an Ant

A new perspective on new spring growth

close up of small fern fronds

Today we’re in the Mohawk Valley in central New York State, visiting with Lee. We’ve see Lee’s beautiful garden before (Back to the Mohawk Valley), but today it is from a very different perspective.

Greetings again! I enjoy the early spring arrivals in the form of “sprouts” that introduce spring to our home areas. Here in the Mohawk Valley, it’s “sprout time.” They say anticipation is half of the enjoyment. This is the time when I have my anticipation activated. While performing this spring’s planting, I put that phone camera right down there in the midst of the wake-up. I call these shots “Through the eyes of an ant.”

single pink tulip glowing in the sun
A tulip (Tulipa hybrid, Zones 3–8) glows in the spring sun.

small fern fronds emerging in the garden
Emerging fern (Adiantum sp., Zones 4–8) fronds look totally different when seen from below!

close up of lots of hosta sprouts
Hostas (Hosta hybrid, Zones 3–8) pushing up through the ground look totally different than they will once the broad leaves unfurl.

crabapple tree covered in pink buds before spring bloom
Not an ant’s-eye view here, but still beautiful: a crabapple (Malus sp., Zones 4–9) in bud, just about to burst into bloom.

close up of rose and daylily foliage in early spring
Rose (Rosa hybrid, hardiness varies by cultivar) and daylily (Hemerocallis, Zones 4–9) foliage pushes up toward the sun, full of the promise of beautiful flowers to come.

close up of small fern fronds Tightly curled fern fronds are ready to burst into growth.

close up of fuzzy oriental poppy foliage before flowers
Oriental poppy (Papaver orientale, Zones 3–7) has striking foliage. Huge flowers will follow, and then the whole plant will go dormant and disappear for the summer.

clump of lilies in early spring before flowers
Lilies (Lilium sp.) look almost like little palm trees as they first emerge and when seen from this angle.


Have a garden you’d like to share?

Have photos to share? We’d love to see your garden, a particular collection of plants you love, or a wonderful garden you had the chance to visit!

To submit, send 5-10 photos to along with some information about the plants in the pictures and where you took the photos. We’d love to hear where you are located, how long you’ve been gardening, successes you are proud of, failures you learned from, hopes for the future, favorite plants, or funny stories from your garden.

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  1. User avater
    user-7007816 05/15/2023

    Yes, Spring has Sprung! Thanks for sharing some great photos.

  2. nicki_s 05/15/2023

    What a delight! Thank you, Lee, for that perspective.

  3. sheila_schultz 05/15/2023

    There is just something so joyful and hopeful when we gardeners go into our gardens in the spring and see plant-life starting it's venture into beauty. The buds on the trees and shrubs, the little nubbins of sprouts popping up their noses out of the soil always make me smile with the possibilities. Thanks Lee! Enjoy the beauty of your gardens!

  4. btucker9675 05/15/2023

    Couldn't help but think of how many ants it would take to haul that iPhone around to get those photos! This is a fun perspective on a lovely time of year in the garden.

    1. MohawkValley 05/16/2023

      I couldn't count all of the ants in a lifetime . I'm glad that when they were done , they gave me my phone back ...

  5. mjtrusz 05/16/2023

    A brief moment in time. Thanks for sharing

    1. MohawkValley 05/16/2023

      Yes , a brief moment , and captured not only by a camera but also by revisiting in one's mind .

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