Garden Photo of the Day

Lots of Flowers in a Small City Lot

Filling every corner with beauty

My name is Emily Kozie, and I garden in Seattle on a small city lot.

dahliasHere’s a favorite photo from my garden. It shows my shrub rose ‘Lady Elsie May’ and the lily ‘Color Parade’ against the trunk of the birch tree in our front yard, but it showcases one of my showiest dahlias. I love dahlias, so my yard is at its best in late summer on into fall. It’s loaded with material for crafting bouquets, one of my other favorite activities. I do not know the name of the dahlia; it has been growing here for many years. I do not dig my dahlias every year in Seattle. It grows next to an unattractive chain link fence, making it easy to “stake.”

The big leaves of a coleus contrast with the narrow leaves of the Japanese forest grass (Hakonechloa macra, Zones 5–9).

Brilliant dahlia flowers stand out against a backdrop of panicle hydrangea (Hydrangea paniculata, Zones 3–8).

Close-up of a delicately tinted rhododendron bloom

Lady Elsie May rose
The rose ‘Lady Elsie May’ blooms against the white bark of a birch (Betula) tree.

The grass in the backyard is artificial—best decision we ever made. It even has “thatch” in it.

bird house
A birdhouse seen through the foliage and ripening hips of a rose.

Cheery sunflowers (Helianthus annus, annual)

This is our paver path from the driveway to the front walkway. Originally it was an area of lawn. We have gotten rid of all of our lawn. It’s planting beds, pavers, or artificial turf for us!


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View 11 comments


  1. User avater
    meander_michaele 10/01/2020

    You should have a contest among your friends/family to give your name unknown dahlia a very showy memorable title since it is quite spectacular. Love the vignette of the rose leaning in and around the doubt whispering secrets about what a good gardener you are!

  2. SWFLgardener 10/01/2020

    Your garden is lovely- I love the look of a casual garden. Working hard to get that in mine. Cheers!

  3. User avater
    cynthia2020 10/01/2020

    Emily - Your dahlia is fabulous!
    Plus, I enjoyed looking at all the photos chockablock with interesting foliage, flowers, and vignettes.

  4. Carolyn3134 10/01/2020

    Wonderful! Kudos to you and all of your hard work!

  5. User avater
    simplesue 10/01/2020

    Nice garden design, love that path and oh that big healthy purple Hydrangea- Wow!
    I love the tradition of name a house and your's Kozy Kottage? Cute sign!

    1. emilyannek 10/01/2020

      The sign came from my husband's parents. It was at a summer cottage they owned in Wisconsin. We treasure it!

  6. Cenepk10 10/01/2020

    Absolutely gorgeous!!! I have planted Dahlias for years & never got a single bloom until this year. I read to start them in pots- then transplant. WHAT A FABULOUS FLOWER to grow. I cut them for inside arrangements too. I am totally in love !!!!
    You garden is magnificent & just so you know- have always envied the the climate there & how easy you all make gardening look !!!

  7. btucker9675 10/01/2020

    Love your garden - especially enjoyed the photo of the rose hips echoing the color of the birdhouse. Thank you for sharing this gem with us.

  8. User avater
    treasuresmom 10/01/2020

    Just stunning!

  9. user-5117752 10/03/2020

    Hope I'm not too late to let you know how much I love your photos. Each one shows your love of your garden, the variety of plants, the design and color combinations. If I had to say I have a favorite, it would be the bird house - or would it be the helianthus and sign. So glad I really don't have to make that decision.

    1. emilyannek 10/03/2020

      My husband built all our birdhouses, so I let him know. And, the sign is from his parents. So fun for him, thanks!

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