Garden Photo of the Day

Louise’s garden in Maryland…and more butterflies!

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Louise Lawrence

Today we’re going back to Maryland to visit Louise Lawrence. She says, “I have lived in Shady Side, Maryland, for 25 years and have maxed out the garden beds on my 5,000-square-foot lot. I have about 300 square feet of lawn, and the rest is planted with perennials, shrubs , etc.

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Louise Lawrence

“The yard is Elkton Othello floodplain soil (lots of clay) and very shady. There’s some serendipity going on now as plants volunteer for new areas in the yard and create new pairings of interest. Recently I’ve had an influx of butterflies and have included some snaps that don’t begin to capture the sheer numbers, I counted 23 swallowtails on just the Joe Pye Weed today.”

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Louise Lawrence

Butterflies in Maryland….I see a trend emerging! Such a nice garden, Louise. Thanks so much for sharing!

At the risk of sounding like broken record….This is prime time to take some photos in your garden. So get out there with your cameras and send some in! Email them to

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Louise Lawrence
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Louise Lawrence
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Louise Lawrence
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Louise Lawrence
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Louise Lawrence
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Louise Lawrence
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Louise Lawrence
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Louise Lawrence
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Louise Lawrence


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View 9 comments


  1. bee1nine 08/06/2013

    Hi Louise, Thank you for sharing your lovely naturalized
    style garden. As it lends a true, personal touch about you and your love for nature.
    Had a warm smile, especially to see the box turtle that came
    for a visit! And yes, the butterflies who seem lured to the
    delectable Summer Sweet bush. Happy serendipity!!

  2. User avater
    meander_michaele 08/06/2013

    Even though you say you have maxed out your garden beds, the gardener addiction to tweaking and trying something new seems alive and well... it looks like you taking advantage of container planting to put together fun and interesting color combinations. I like how you have elevated many of your pots so they show up more boldly. The arrival of butterflies and hummingbirds are such a reward for one's gardening efforts. It's like getting the seal of approval from Mother Nature!

  3. hortiphila 08/06/2013

    Louise, You must have Paw Paw trees, (Asimina triloba), nearby and I'm envious because that beautiful Zebra Swallowtail would not be there with out them. Just planted some in my garden this spring, still waiting for the Zebra's. Beautiful garden!

  4. tractor1 08/06/2013

    L0uise's garden clearly demonstrates how less is more, there's so much to see. And I wonder if that box turtle knows that the bubbler is not a real turtle.

  5. greatdanes 08/06/2013

    Thank you for sharing. I miss the butterflies here this year in Lincoln, NE area. Many fewer than usual. Haven't had but a couple Monarchs a summer for a few years. Still allow my yard to a bit untidy with native milkweed in hopes of a come back. So glad to hear that the butterflies are thriving elsewhere. You have several plants still on my wish list for wildlife and beauty.

  6. cwheat000 08/06/2013

    Who says a small yard with clay soil can't be filled with plants? I can tell you love plants. Well done. The yard actually looks bigger than you stated. I love the turtle shot. I also love your clethra and oak leaf hydrangea. What is the low growing yellow flower on the fringes of your mulched pathway ( creeping jenny)? I like the effect it has created.

  7. ancientgardener 08/06/2013

    I think the box turtle is waiting for the bubbler guy to get out and give him a turn. Cute picture. Lovely, peaceful garden and the daylily brought me joy. Mine are all in bloom and they are always so beautiful. My Chicago Apache against a stone wall is my favorite.

  8. EyeGarden 08/07/2013

    Now that's MY kind of garden!

  9. LisaKaren 08/21/2013

    Wonderful garden, and the truth. I've been wanting to plant in their garden, but I have a problem. Very dry soil. I do not know what to do (. But my friends advised me to try Grain Moisture Meter they say that it's great grain moisture in the soil, have you heard of him?

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