Garden Photo of the Day

Making a Secret Garden

From overgrown to secret paradise

Today we’re visiting the garden of Tracie Bangs in Norfolk, Virginia (Zone 8).

We moved to an animal-infested old home in a jungle six years ago in Norfolk as we downsized. The soil was good, and a lot of overgrown older plants were here. I moved things around and added until I had my own little secret garden.

The garden is full of flowers, and an evergreen screen helps create a private, secret space to enjoy.

The garden gate, flanked by blooming azaleas, welcomes you into the garden and excludes the hustle and bustle of the outside world.

Every garden needs a place to sit, relax, and enjoy the beauty. This comfortable lounge chair is flanked by pots of blooming annuals and foliage plants to create a lovely little escape.

More comfortable seating, while a small fountain and bird feeders welcome feathered visitors to enjoy the garden as well. The downspout from the gutters runs into a large water barrel, which collects rain to use as a free and environmentally sensitive source of water to care for the garden.

This garden is blessed with mature trees and shrubs, creating beauty and privacy.


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View 10 comments


  1. sandyprowse 06/25/2019

    A beautiful garden, very unique. I love it!

  2. wittyone 06/25/2019

    What a lovely little hidden front yard treat you have created. I'm sure that renovating an overgrown lot has been a rewarding activity for you. I bet the house is happy about the transformation as well. I always feel sorry for houses that have occupants who seemingly have no regard for the state of the house or the yard surrounding it-----those houses must feel so sad and neglected. A happy house makes for happy owners.

    1. Bangarang 06/25/2019

      Thank you, you know lots of work!

  3. User avater
    simplesue 06/25/2019

    Lovely garden and private space! So pretty! Love those stone pillars at the garden entrance....oh I'd love to have that!

  4. btucker9675 06/25/2019

    Such a pretty space! Love the old window frame with the flower box above the lounge chair - what a great idea!

  5. Bangarang 06/25/2019

    The house is an old beach house from 1940 and we've had 6 fun years bringing it and the yard back to life. There is a fireplace inside made of the same stones as the pillars.

    1. Bangarang 06/25/2019

      My daughter painted flowers on another window and I put a shelf with potted flowers on it against the shed

  6. cheryl_c 06/25/2019

    It looks like you chose well when you downsized, and figured out how to tame the jungle without pulling everything out. Don't you wonder if there had once been a gardener living there who might have been unable to keep up with the chores, but whose heart you have made happy by your thoughtful restorations/reformations/editing and adding. Congratulations - job well done! I also love the corner with the blue lounge chair.

  7. Bangarang 06/25/2019

    I know the history, previous to 2006 a secluded school teacher lived here. I could tell where borders were set and the soil was great after 6 years of abandonment.

  8. User avater
    treasuresmom 06/26/2019

    Love your sitting areas. What are you using for the evergreen screen?

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