Garden Photo of the Day

Maurizio’s garden in Italy! (6 photos)

Photo/Illustration: All photos courtesy of Maurizio D'Annibale

I got a special treat the other day–photos from a garden in Italy! Maurizio D’Annibale emailed to share them, but he wrote his email in Italian…I walked around the office for a while, asking if anyone could read Italian, before our web guru, Antonio (who translates emails written in Portuguese, no problem), told me to go to Google Translate! Aha!

Now Maurizio and I were in business. Here’s what he said:

“Salve a tutti Voi, vi allego foto del mio giardino situato in Italia piu precisamente a Cisterna di Latina (50 Km da Roma). Mi interesso di giardinaggio da circa 30 anni ma solo a livello hobbystico. Ho 61 anni e sono un ex dipendente della Findus (ex Unilever). il mio giardino è grande circa 200mq. e comprende soprattutto piante da clima mediterraneo: Mirto(Myrtus), Melograno(Punica Granatum), Lentisco(Pistacia Lentiscus), Corbezzolo(Arbutus Unendo), Olivi(Olea europea) ma anche Coprosme, Lantane, Hemerocallis, Nandina e molte altre.”

And here’s a translation:

“Hello to you all, I am attaching pictures of my garden located in Italy, more precisely in Cisterna di Latina (50 Km from Rome). I have been interested in gardening for about 30 years but only a hobby. I’m 61 years old and am a former employee of the Findus (former Unilever). My garden is about 200 square meters large and consists mainly of plants from Mediterranean climate: Myrtle (Myrtus), pomegranate (Punica granatum), mastic tree (Pistacia lentiscus), strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo), Olive (Olea europea), but also coprosmia, lantana, Hemerocallis, Nandina and many others.”

Ah, botanical Latin, the universal language. Your garden is beautiful, Maurizio! Thank you so much for sharing it with us. Please show us more gardens in Italy!

**** I’m still looking for photos, everyone! While I’ve got a bunch of great submissions in reserve, I can always use more. We’re heading into winter, when GPOD submission tend to be a bit scarce. If you still want to see a new and exciting garden every single weekday in your inbox, do your part and show us YOUR garden! You can email photos to either or Be sure to tell me where you live and tell me a bit about yourself and your garden. And the more photos the better! Thanks!! ****

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View 35 comments


  1. grannieannie1 12/05/2013

    Your mature garden has a peaceful flow to it with a pleasing mixture of foliage and textures.

    We could never grow an olive tree. Do you harvest olives, Maurizio?

  2. dirtgirl1949 12/05/2013

    Fabulous to view these photos of your garden Maurizio, it's beautiful, well done!

  3. user-1020932 12/05/2013

    amo questo giardino! great job, Maurizio, textural, "layerful" and full, my kind of place. great job. i really like seeing what others are doing around the world

  4. GardenGrl1 12/05/2013

    Pomegranate & Olive trees, ahhh, only in my dreams...

    Beautiful gardens! Thank you for sharing.

  5. user-1020932 12/05/2013

    maurizio, 3rd photo in the left column. what is the large clump of broad/strap leaved plant? crinum maybe? and the tall, openly branched tree in the background?

  6. User avater
    meander_michaele 12/05/2013

    Maurizio, your gardens and flowing lawn areas have such a pleasing elegance and serenity. It looks like you a wonderful gift for nurturing your plants and keeping them all happy and thriving with each other. Thank you so much for sharing your very beautiful gardens with is much appreciated.

  7. wGardens 12/05/2013

    Thank you for sharing! Wonderful layering, nice textural contrasts! And so full. Great job!

  8. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 12/05/2013

    Wow! Beautiful borders, rich and dense. I'm dying to know what type of lily that is in the first picture, with the long, needle-like leaves. Or maybe it just looks like a lily to me? and also the healthy blue grass next to it.

  9. user-1020932 12/05/2013

    vojt, looks to be a giant Phormium in the background too. this garden is chock full of all the plants i love and don't have the climate for here

  10. tractor1 12/05/2013

    Gotta love that putting green lawn, and so many luscious plantings making the perfect picture frame. Maurizio's garden is definitely a hole in one!

  11. bee1nine 12/05/2013

    Most stunning over-all border display! Colors and textures are truly superb. I'm assuming to maintain the round neatness
    that it shows on many of your plants, that pruning is a must?

    This has been a TREAT! Thank you, Maurizio!!

  12. annek 12/05/2013

    Bellissimo giardino!

  13. GardenersWK 12/05/2013

    Che un bellissimo giardino! Grazie per la condivisione Maurizio!

  14. celiahoneysuckle 12/05/2013

    A treat to see a European garden that's established and so manicured. Thanks.

  15. greengenes 12/05/2013

    Well done Maurizio! lovely shapes and colors! I can smell the warm sunshine and the aged wine from oak barrels! You are very fortunate to grow over there. Someday I will come and see your country at length! I can see the reward of your labor of love, your expression of life and the joy it brings to you and others. Thanks so much for sharing with us here...

  16. GrannyMay 12/05/2013

    You have created a lovely, peaceful, private garden to enjoy all year round. Thank you Maurizio for sharing its beauty with us!

    I wonder how your garden looks in winter. Do most of your chosen trees and shrubs keep their leaves?

  17. janetsfolly 12/05/2013

    I, too, am struck by the wonderful structure and rich textures of this garden. Just wonderful, Maurizio! I can almost feel the Mediterranean sun on my face! Thank you for sharing.

  18. janetsfolly 12/05/2013

    PS Would love to know what the orange flowers are in photo #5. Thanks!

  19. sheila_schultz 12/05/2013

    Your gardens are perfection, Maurizio. The many shapes, colors and textures certainly please the senses, and make me want to see more!

  20. GrannyCC 12/05/2013

    Beautiful garden. Love all the lilac coloured plants in the one photo. Would love to know what they are. Thanks for sending photos from Italy.

  21. pattyspencer 12/05/2013

    Beautiful garden! Love all the curves and your plantings are just beautiful!!

  22. janeeliz 12/05/2013

    Very beautiful garden, Maurizio. It looks so lovingly cared for. What are those beautiful flowering trees in the 2nd photo on left? I'd like to see close-ups of them..they look lovely. Also would love to see tall Phormium in bloom.

  23. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 12/05/2013

    Here's hoping botanical latin is a cross-cultural barrier-breaker. I'm guessing the orange flower is an Arctotis? Blue grass is Elymus magellanicus? Lily is maybe Lilium davidii macranthum? Wispy tree Tamarix ramosissima? Pink flowers Lantana? Molte grazie, Maurizio!

  24. user-1020932 12/05/2013

    but Vojt, what is the big clumpy, strappy, amaryllisey looking thing? how's that for botanical clarity

  25. cwheat000 12/05/2013

    How fabulous to view a garden from Italy. Maurizio, I love the look of your borders. All those beautifully manicured mounded plants give the beds lovely structure. I love how they are punctuated with a few spikey or strappy plants and skirted with mats of beautiful flowers. The arctotis is nothing I have ever grown in Connecticut. It is all so pretty.

  26. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 12/05/2013

    Treeman: The hardy crinum I have has a folded leaf, so I assume that the less hardy varieties have the same sort of leaf. By the climate, I'm going to venture a guess that the strappy leaves belong to a large Agapanthus. Maurizio? And I definitely have phormium-envy!

  27. user-1020932 12/05/2013

    i guess the mystery is now in Maurizio's hands. my agapanthus aren't nearly that large,,, not even close

  28. tractor1 12/05/2013

    cwheat000: a week or so ago you had asked about the age of my Norway spruce trees. They were planted about 60 years ago by the previous owner, he had intended to farm Christmas trees and did so for a while until it became unprofitable. At that point he simply left his assortment of conifers and over time hardwoods, etc. encroached. At this point it's a very varied forest and I do my best to employ proper land management techniques so it stays healthy. I consider it a great gift to be bestowed with the responsibility for this wonderful property. If ever you'd like to visit I'd be honored, I'd be happy to give you the grand tour... and that invite applies to other gardeners here.

  29. tractor1 12/05/2013

    For a better view:

  30. User avater
    landscapedesignbylee 12/06/2013

    Beautiful gardens. The design has an inviting feel to it and the gardens flow nicely...well done!

  31. mainer59 12/06/2013

    I am surprised by the green lawn. Is this a spring photo before the dry summer has set in? Or is the lawn watered frequently? It sets the plantings off beautifully.

  32. janetsfolly 12/06/2013

    Thank you, Vojt! Arctotis is a charmer, but not for north central Ohio. However, from what I learned n PlantZafrica, this was the beauty I saw overrunning ditch banks and door yards in South Australia! Never know what I'm gonna learn from the good gardeners here!

  33. Wife_Mother_Gardener 12/06/2013

    Thank you, Maurizio! Beautiful garden!!

  34. wildthyme 12/06/2013

    Tutto bella! The olive and pomegranate have me (almost) yearning for my old California garden. Both are such beautiful trees in their own way. Your borders are beautiful!

  35. wildthyme 12/06/2013

    Tutto bella! The olive and pomegranate have me (almost) yearning for my old California garden. Both are such beautiful trees in their own way. Your borders are beautiful!

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