Garden Photo of the Day

Michigan in October

P. Bryson shares mid-October photos of his mid-Michigan garden.

"It always surprises me this time of year, when temperatures are dropping, leaves falling, and gardens fading, how much is still in bloom.  Clematis and agastache are going strong, there are a few blooms left on perennial salvias and aquilegia, and the crocus sativus is just emerging."

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View 33 comments


  1. User avater
    meander_michaele 10/22/2015

    Beautiful could have fooled me that these are from MI in mid Oct. You are probably going to get some requests for the name of that lovely reblooming bearded iris that is putting on a fall show...such a treat!

    1. Beazel 10/22/2015

      The reblooming iris is 'Autumn Wine', and the photo doesn't do it justice. The falls shade from bronze to an irridescent purple. The first year I grew this one we had an early spring and it bloomed three times that year. It's multiplied prolifically and with the larger number of plants this season the second bloom started in August and is still going.

      1. User avater
        meander_michaele 10/22/2015

        Wow, what an ambitious bloomer and such an interesting and fabulous color. Do you do any extra fertilizing to get so much fall blooming? I have a reliable rebloomer called 'Autumn Circus' and I don't do any extra spoiling of it but I wonder if I should.

        1. Beazel 10/23/2015

          No, I'm sorry to say that this year I've had other distractions and did almost no fertilizing. The iris are in several beds that have somewhat different light levels and soil conditions, which likely contributes to somewhat different bloom schedules. It's been nice to enjoy one of my favorite flowers for more than a few weeks.

  2. user-3565112 10/22/2015

    These are very good photos & I am surprised at how well some of the plants are doing this late in the season. The photo with the shed is outstanding & could be a scene from a Bob Ross painting if taken from a distance. Joe

  3. user-178447 10/22/2015

    Beautiful! We got hit with 23 f temps over the weekend so everything is pretty much gone. Do you know the name of that rose in the first photo? And what Are the white flowers that are going so strong?

    1. Beazel 10/22/2015

      The rose in the first photo is a rugosa called Grootendorst Pink. The white flowers near the shed are 'Honorine Jobert' Japanese anemone.

  4. User avater
    HelloFromMD 10/22/2015

    Lovely pics and great garden shed. Please send in pics of crocus sativus once it blooms.What is the name of the clematis that is going strong? All of mine finished long ago.

    1. Beazel 10/22/2015

      I only have two varieties of clematis: 'Crystal Fountain' and 'Madame Julia Correvon'.

    2. Beazel 10/23/2015

      Here's a photo of the crocus sativus. Every day there are a couple new blooms. They've been invaded by some siberian iris and need to be moved.

  5. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 10/22/2015

    October!? This is great. I've been scouting my garden for what still looks good this time of year and this is inspiring. Your amazing shed with the perfect stand of anemones is a big win. The bi-colored Dahlia is very cool and your Lamium is so perfect. Love your garden and definitely want to see more! I think this is the first time your garden on been on GPOD?

  6. wGardens 10/22/2015

    Great fall photos! Inspiring that perhaps mine could MAYBE look this good next year! Thanks for sharing.

  7. CJgardens 10/22/2015

    Thanks for sharing your garden and blossoms. What I'm impressed with is how all the plants around your blooms still look so good. I can find a few flowers but the daylily foliage, coneflower, liatris, etc are all really ragged. We had our first freeze this past weekend and lots of clean up now. I love to buy bulbs to add to my beds but it's never as much fun getting them in the ground. Finding a open spot and then accidentally digging up bulbs already there.
    I also admire your beautiful garden shed. Please share more pictures. cj

    ps Did other bloggers not get a comment section on Jeff's submission yesterday??

    1. User avater
      meander_michaele 10/22/2015

      Yes, Carol, on not being able to comment on Jeff's photos yesterday. Ha, at first I thought I might have been walled off since I get so "chatty"....just teasing.

      1. User avater
        Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 10/22/2015

        Believe me, they're cutting me off well before they cut you off. Or maybe they were trying to keep Jeff from commenting. :)

    2. GrannyMay 10/22/2015

      Yes, I tried linking in several different ways, but finally gave up. Too bad. They were great photos and worth compliments.

    3. GrannyCC 10/22/2015

      Yes I couldn't reply either but it was fabulous.

    4. User avater
      Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 10/22/2015

      Susan, from Fine Gardening, told me they had technical problems with yesterday's post. Very frustrating to both her and to those of us with itchy comment-fingers!

    5. Beazel 10/22/2015

      I have to admit that much of my garden is brown and/or ragged, though we've not yet had a hard frost. Thank goodness for the crop function in image editing software!

  8. GrannyMay 10/22/2015

    Lovely fall blooms! It is always a joy that we can enjoy both the marvellous colours of the turning leaves as well as flowers on plants that seem to save their best for the last. Roses are usually good for a fall show here, as are the anemones. Lamium is a huge invasive problem for me, so I'm never happy to see it, pretty as it may be. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Cenepk10 10/22/2015

    WHOA !!!!I'm digging that garden shed…. Beautiful blooms, too !

  10. GrannyCC 10/22/2015

    Beautiful blooms. Love the dahlia and the iris. Always fun to find hidden gems at this time of year.

  11. User avater
    LindaonWhidbey 10/22/2015

    Like others here, I love the photo of the shed with the Anemones, one of my favorites. It would be nice to see more photos of your garden in other seasons, P. Bryson.

  12. deborah_gleason 10/22/2015

    What is the name of your pale pink rose in the 3rd pic. It reminds me of an old fashioned variety called New Dawn. Gorgeous garden pics! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Beazel 10/22/2015

      It is rosa rugosa 'Grootendorst Pink'.

      1. GrannyMay 10/23/2015

        I wonder if the photos have been mixed up. The pale pink rose in the 3rd photo looks much like 'New Dawn'. As far as I have seen, the Pink Grootendorst is an old-fashioned rugosa rose with crinkled leaves and small frilled blossoms.

        1. Beazel 10/23/2015

          Sorry, I answered the wrong question earlier. Grootendorst Pink is the first photo. The third is of 'Chorale', a Buck shrub rose.

      2. Beazel 10/23/2015

        Sorry, Deborah, I misread your question. The rose in the third photo is a Buck shrub rose called Chorale.

  13. foxglove12 10/22/2015

    Is that a Japanese Anemone next to the cute shed?

    1. Beazel 10/22/2015

      Yes, it is 'Honorine Jobert'.

  14. Beazel 10/22/2015

    Thanks, everyone, for your kind comments. I've much enjoyed and been inspired by the gardens shared here.

  15. user-178447 10/22/2015

    Thanks Peggy for the info

  16. MuffettG 10/23/2015


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