Garden Photo of the Day

Midge’s visit to gardens in France

Today's photos are from Midge Sandlin (see her garden in South Carolina HERE). Midge says, "We just returned from a wonderful trip to France and a river cruise on the Seine River.  As usual I took many photos – mainly of gardens and flowers along the streets. The first two here were taken at the Luxembourg Gardens – the wide borders were amazing and everywhere! I love the squared off trees at the far end of the second shot – I would never do that, but in France it works. The rest of the photos are from Giverney – now I know what I want my gardens to look like!" Wow, Midge! I'm in love with those images of Giverney. Thanks so much for sharing your travels with us!

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View 24 comments


  1. GrannyMay 10/21/2014

    I'm in love with that first photo from Giverny! Enlarged it and just studied the marvelous jumble of colours and shapes, soft and dreamlike, not sharp or harsh. If you cropped the top and bottom off the photo, it would look like a Monet painting rather than a photo of his garden. Thank you, Midge, for sharing such a beautiful place.

  2. Nurserynotnordstroms 10/21/2014

    Giverny I'm in love these photos are so beautiful. We didn't get there when we went,now I wish we had.

  3. perenniallycrazy 10/21/2014

    Classy and chic! I wish you had more photos. Thanks much for sharing Midge!

  4. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 10/21/2014

    Delightful photos of pleasant, autumnal gardens. Thanks for sharing your travels. Like May, I am fixated on the first Giverny photo. The colors of the distant hills, house and flowers are so rich and serene.

  5. User avater
    meander_michaele 10/21/2014

    Proof,as always, that the beauty of flowers is a universal language and we all speak it enthusiastically. Looks like it was a wonderful trip, Midge.

  6. User avater
    HelloFromMD 10/21/2014

    Love Giverny! The full lush look and the spilling over of plants onto the walk. So charming. Wish my husband shared my viewpoint. Any plant gracing the sidewalks generates complaints!

  7. christianesterges 10/21/2014

    you perfectly caught the enchanting profusion of Monet's garden ....

  8. thevioletfern 10/21/2014

    Oh Giverny it's a criminy! Just gorgeous and so inspiring. Thank you so much for sharing! I heard river cruises are wonderful.

  9. GrannyCC 10/21/2014

    Thanks for sharing Midge. Brought back some happy memories,. We were there in September a few years ago now. It was rainy but the gardens were still beautiful!

  10. VikkiVA 10/21/2014

    Hi Madge! I visited both Luxembourg and Givernery when I was in Paris and was wide eyed and slacked jawed as I toured each one. I was there in mid May and there was not as much lushness or striking color as shown in your pictures. Thanks for sharing. Vikki in VA.

  11. greengenes 10/22/2014

    Its all so beautiful! Some day....

  12. Nurserynotnordstroms 10/22/2014

    No new photos,I will post one of my mini stumpery,I just had to. How about someone else?

  13. Nurserynotnordstroms 10/22/2014

    Where did my photo go?

    1. User avater
      meander_michaele 10/22/2014

      Darn, that means you posted a photo and it got gobbled up into cyberspace?

      1. User avater
        meander_michaele 10/22/2014

        Ha, I'm in withdrawal.

        1. Nurserynotnordstroms 10/22/2014

          Me too not so sure why I can't post a photo. I see it then I hit post and it's gone?

      2. Nurserynotnordstroms 10/22/2014

        You post a pic ok? Well I need to get ready for work

      3. Nurserynotnordstroms 10/22/2014

        Oh their they are. Three times sorry for the redundancy

  14. Nurserynotnordstroms 10/22/2014

    Ok it it will show up twice? And I can't change it hope this works. It show photo then when I hit post the photo goes away

    1. User avater
      meander_michaele 10/23/2014

      What a beautiful composition. I love the inclusion of the ferns and the wonderful color palette.

      1. Nurserynotnordstroms 10/23/2014

        Thank you,sorry you had to see it so many times. I'm not sure why it wouldn't post......and then it did. ha ha over and over and over again

  15. Nurserynotnordstroms 10/22/2014

    Nope no photo??? What's going on?

  16. darylsavage 10/23/2014

    Thanks for sharing Midge. Can you please tell us when exactly you were at Giverny so we could plan to visit at the same, wonderful time?

  17. user-7007140 10/23/2014

    Thank you Midge! We didn't have enough time to visit Giverney and now I don't feel miffed any more. Just gorgeous. Great photographs.

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