Garden Photo of the Day

Nong’s garden in Ohio, Day 1

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Nongnuch Inpanbutr

Today’s photos are from Nongnuch Inpanbutr in Ohio. Nong says, “We live in Columbus, Ohio, across from the Scioto River and park with a spectacular view, every day and every season presenting a different look. This garden is an evolving garden–always in the PROCESS, just like LIFE itself–no constant.

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Nongnuch Inpanbutr

“The goal of our garden is to create a place to inspire peacefulness and containment, to reflect and meditate, and a place for gatherings with friends and family, and to serve our lifestyle. I love to walk around in the garden early in the morning or just before sunset, and just look at the plants and everything. I take a stroll in my garden in the morning with coffee before going to work, and make one round the first thing when I get home from work, even before going into the house, all year round (with snow and rain–people driving by would see me with my umbrella inspecting my garden and probably think that I AM CRAZY.) We built a walking path to serve that habit (to stroll without getting mud on our shoes).

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Nongnuch Inpanbutr

“When the weather is warm enough, we have breakfast in the rose garden. We entertain a lot at our patio with views of the river and different reflections of the water depending on the weather and time of the day (funny-my neighbor told me one of her friends asked her if my house is a night club, hearing music and seeing lights and people at the patio all the time).

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Nongnuch Inpanbutr

“We would describe our garden as everything blending together to serve the eye and lifestyle. The main goal is to have lots of perennials blooming all season (March to November). We travel a lot, so the garden is the result of bits and pieces inspired by many places around the world. Starting as a Zen garden, then added/morphed with English Garden (roses–more than 36 bushes), Monet’s influence (bridge, irises, tulips, maple), Keukenhof (tulips + other spring bulbs), and major part is lifestyle influence, and also eco/self sufficient garden.

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Nongnuch Inpanbutr

“We use very little fertilizer or chemicals. Kids like our garden a lot. The front yard is mainly flowers and trees for the look, and the back yard is an edible garden with fruit trees and vegetables. This year in the fruit garden in the backyard I am planting arctic kiwis, grapes, and more apples.

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Nongnuch Inpanbutr

“I once read this quote (forgot the source), and it is so true about my garden: ‘It is good to have an end to journey toward, but it is the journey that matters in the end.'”

Wow, Nong, your garden is so ALIVE! That jumbo Easter egg hunt must have been so much fun for the kids!

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Nongnuch Inpanbutr

**Nong sent so many great photos that I’ll be featuring more tomorrow morning. Stay tuned!**

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Nongnuch Inpanbutr
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Nongnuch Inpanbutr
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Nongnuch Inpanbutr
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Nongnuch Inpanbutr
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Nongnuch Inpanbutr

—–W I N N E R S !—–

It was so much fun to read everyone’s earliesy memories of gardening yesterday, wasn’t it? The winners of yesterday’s giveaway of 2 copies of the Secret Garden coloring book are… siesperanza & hummergirl! You guys, email me your mailing addresses (to and I’ll send the books right out.

Thanks so much to everyone who sent in photos of their gardens last week! As for last week’s book giveaway, the winners are in the following order:
1. Holland Difiglio
2. Karen Taylor
3. Mary Yee
4. Martha Cabinsky
5. Nongnuch Inpanbutr
I’ll be emailing you guys in order to ask which book you’d like out of the 5.

CONGRATS to all the winners!

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View 14 comments


  1. user-1020932 04/10/2013

    now that's lotsa color! walkways, bridges, color everywhere sure the kids think it's Chutes and Ladders and Candyland come to life. great fun for everybody and the result of alot of hard work. do you plant annuals in all the tulip beds after they finish?

  2. Annedean 04/10/2013


  3. bee1nine 04/10/2013

    Precisely, this is WOW!!

  4. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 04/10/2013

    Having personally watched this garden grow from nothing to a colorful and fragrant extravaganza makes it even more impressive! It is truly a picturesque setting for relaxation and entertaining good friends. Looking forward to tomorrow's photos. So glad you decided to share your garden.

  5. User avater
    meander_michaele 04/10/2013

    Nong, your garden definitely sings a song of joyfulness and, I'm sure that is a reflection of your personality.
    Are you able to get several seasons out of your tulips or do you plant new bulbs every year. I love the celebration of color for this time of senses feel so alive and energized just looking at your pictures.

  6. mauritian_host 04/10/2013

    Simply WOW the tulips are so beautiful, how I wish I had a garden like this.. PERFECT! belissimo

  7. Flowerhill 04/10/2013

    I love Garden Photo of the Day. (We're still getting snow here in Montana!) Just a suggestion - the photos would be even better if the plants featured in the photos were identified. Thank you very much for the "virtual gardening."

  8. wGardens 04/10/2013

    Oh, this is wonderful! What a spectacular place for the kids to soak in the lovliness and hopefully, nurture their desire for gardening. I, too, wonder if you plant annuals later- and- if you replant the tulips each year.

  9. MichelleGervais 04/10/2013

    Hey guys--lots of requests for IDs of plants in the individual photos lately. Short answer is, if you don't send them, I can't post them. I have a very short amount of time to work on the blog each day, and can't take the time to email back requesting them, wait for a response, etc. It's totally up to you guys! That said, don't let everyone's wish for IDs hold you back from submitting photos if you either don't have the plant names or don't have the time to dig them up.

  10. tractor1 04/10/2013

    I like all those decking walkways, they serve well when lots of children visit for keeping them on track rather than running amok amongst the beds. I'd add solar lamps along the paths, don't want Nongnuch to misstep when she takes her strolls before and after work and it's dark. And that's quite the collection of tulips, makes me think I've died and gone to Holland! I was hoping for those river views, perhaps tomorrow. I like that photo on the right, fourth down, good composition... too bad those children weren't facing the camera, bad joojoo to photograph children's backs... I'd bet the little girl in the pink dress is adorable. Michelle, it would be nice if contributors would ID the more uncommon plantings, like yesterday's tree, but I think everyone recognizes tulips. I'm looking forward to tomorrow's photos, and thank you.

  11. user-1020932 04/10/2013

    "died and gone to Holland" now that is funny, i'm still chuckling here. thanks!

  12. janeeliz 04/11/2013

    What a spectacular show of tulips you have created! I'd love to be one of those kids having so much fun in your gorgeous garden!
    Yes,....what do you do with the tulip beds when this riot of color is over?

  13. ancientgardener 04/11/2013

    Gorgeous! What a joy to have all those tulips. I cannot have even one because critters of some kind eat the bulbs; thus I indulge in all kinds of daffodils and narcissi. The last picture of the poppies was my favorite. I would like it framed and hanging beside my bed where I could wake up to it every morning.

  14. cwheat000 04/11/2013

    Simply joyful. I too love the walkways. Seeing all the kids truly enjoy your garden, made me think of yesterday's posts. Think of all the little gardeners you are inspiring with your magical garden.

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