Garden Photo of the Day

One Enchanting Pond

By Kim Charles

A beautiful pond is the focal point on Linda Tutwiler's property in Alabama.

"Here are my garden pictures from Pell City, Alabama. My garden is about 10 years old, with a 60,000 gallon pond built by my husband."

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View 28 comments


  1. perenniallycrazy 04/04/2017

    Your garden is simply lovely Linda. Hubby did an amazing job with your pond. I'm bet your garden gets more beautiful with each passing year. Don't ever move.

  2. mjensen 04/04/2017

    beautiful, i have always wanted a pond. beautiful garden

  3. Jay_Sifford 04/04/2017

    Wow, 60,000 gallons. Impressive. Great work!

  4. user-7007498 04/04/2017

    Linda, that is one of the nicest ponds I have ever seen. Beautifully designed and integrated into the landscape. I have a bad case of "pond envy". The initial photo is so inviting, how about having everyone over? Love the iris photos against the water. The hydrangea serrata is so beautiful. Thanks for starting my day off right.

  5. user-4691082 04/04/2017

    Do you have alligators? I sure hope not! Your property is stunning. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Vespasian 04/04/2017

    Absolutely stunning, so lush and lovely. What a great job you and your husband have done, truly magical!

  7. Quiltingmamma 04/04/2017

    Oh wow! I'm with Kevin - pond envy....but I think THE nicest pond I have seen. Lay on grocery delivery and I would never leave the place. What a great job you have both done. Thanks for sharing.

  8. User avater
    meander_michaele 04/04/2017

    You and your husband have done such a masterful job seating your pond into the land looks so natural. I love how in the first picture it gives the impression of curving almost in a kidney shape. Your plantings have a very pleasing variety of tall like the canna to low and ground hugging. Shh, don't tell Mother Nature, but I think you guys have done just as good a job as she would have. What kind of critter life inhabits the pond?

  9. User avater
    treasuresmom 04/04/2017

    So many areas that you could sit with your coffee and take it all in. Just beautiful!

  10. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 04/04/2017

    Your magnificent pond is an incredible backdrop for your lush gardens. Love the clumps of purple Tradescantia pallida (we called it Moses in the Boat, grown as a houseplant when I was a kid). Nice iris and peonies, too. I'm surprised that they do so well in your climate. I would have thought it too warm. You've a lovely retreat!

  11. sheila_schultz 04/04/2017

    Your pond is truly wonderful and is the ideal setting for your beautiful gardens... together they are perfection. I especially love the way you have planted your beauties, nothing is fussy, just full and relaxed. I can't imagine a more beautiful and restful back yard! I think I need a hammock so I can close my eyes an listen to the frogs croaking as it gently sways back and forth!

  12. Coveside 04/04/2017

    Lovely in its the combinations of color and texture.

  13. annek 04/04/2017

    Beautiful, simply beautiful!

  14. user-7008113 04/04/2017

    Truly wonderful space

  15. User avater
    LindaonWhidbey 04/04/2017

    Good morning Linda. It must be a treat to be able to view the water from so many angles and to see all of your lush plantings reflected in it. Your peonies and hydrangeas are truly gorgeous. Give your husband my compliments on a pond very well done.

  16. LaurelEm 04/04/2017

    I love your pond! That was quite an undertaking and you did it so well!

  17. Sunshine111 04/04/2017


  18. sophiedekkerfurlan 04/04/2017

    Very beautiful and you have a good eye for this creative paradise

  19. christianesterges 04/04/2017

    superb !!

  20. Maggieat11 04/04/2017

    Fabulous! I love it all! You have truly created a piece of heaven. Your varied plantings/pairings and creativity in design are wonderful! Oh, to be able to enjoy a water feature like that! Great teamwork!

  21. bsavage 04/04/2017

    So beautiful! Well done to you and your husband!

  22. deborahloveladybrinkman 04/04/2017

    Beautiful and probably very relaxing!

  23. user-7007966 04/04/2017

    Beautiful! And you only took 10 years to do it.

  24. tennisluv 04/05/2017

    Linda, I thought I had posted earlier this morning, but evidently did not finish the posting. Your personal 'Garden of Eden' is so beautiful. The pond, the iris, the tree peony and all the lovely plantings you and your husband have added are breath taking. We are all envious. Curiosity has my wondering how close you live to the Coosa River and Lake Martin, having traveled many times through your neck of the woods on my way between Atlanta and Birmingham.

  25. Cenepk10 04/05/2017

    Incredible!!! I want to build one on my back acre. I want one I can swim in :)

  26. linnyg. 04/05/2017

    I agree with all the comments. Curiosity - do you get lots of mosquitoes down your way? Do you have fish in your pond? Love the last picture the best with its rich colors.

  27. swampbacon 04/05/2017

    Simply. Beautiful.

  28. user-6536305 01/02/2018

    That pond must be a big project and hard work! the pond and garden are breathtakingly beautiful. Thanks for sharing!

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