Garden Photo of the Day

Peonies in Croatia

A celebration of peonies

The spring charm of peonies

My name is Zarko Mudrovcic, and my garden is situated in Marija Gorica, 30 kilometers from Zagreb, the capital of Croatia, in the southeastern part of Europe. Today I am sharing some beautiful pictures of my favorite peonies (Paeonia hybrids, usually Zones 3–8).

Yellow peoniesThese very large, bright yellow double blossoms are Itoh peony ‘Bartzella’, Zones 3–8. Itoh peonies (also called intersectional hybrids) take their name from Japanese nurseryman Toichi Itoh, who first hybridized herbaceous and tree peonies to create these beautiful, vigorous hybrids.

Itoh peony BartzellaClose-up of Itoh peony ‘Bartzella’

Canary BrilliantsItoh peony ‘Canary Brilliants’, Zones 3–8

Close-up to Itoh peony Canary Brilliants.
Close-up of Itoh peony ‘Canary Brilliants’.

herbaceous peony
Close-up of ‘Nippon Beauty’, a Japanese-shaped herbaceous peony hardy in Zones 3–8

Incredible herbaceous peony with more than 70 big white flowers
This incredible herbaceous peony has more than 70 big white flowers. It is has been in my garden for longer than 20 years but, unfortunately, I do not know its name.

Laura Dessert peony

Close-up of the herbaceous, very fragrant peony ‘Laura Dessert’. This variety has been very hardy and loves full sun.

Peony ‘Bowl of Beauty’
Peony ‘Bowl of Beauty’ is a very nice herbaceous peony that’s hardy to Zones 3–8.

wonderful Itoh peony
This wonderful Itoh peony is ‘Cora Louise’ (Zones 4–8).


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View 12 comments


  1. sandyprowse 10/19/2021

    What a treat that was to look at your beautiful peonies, they are outstanding to be sure. Amazing.

  2. garden1953 10/19/2021

    Beautiful! I especially love Cora Louise.

  3. User avater
    pattyeckels 10/19/2021

    First: I adore peonies i cannot grow them here in South Carolina. Yours are gorgeous and I could almost smell them.
    Second: visited Croatia (before Covid) and hope to get back in the future. Loved it! Thank you.

  4. User avater
    user-7007816 10/19/2021

    Beautiful peonies. I will definitely try the Itoh varieties. Thank you for sharing.

  5. gardendevas 10/19/2021


  6. user-5117752 10/19/2021

    Simply beautiful!!! Would love to see more of your garden! Thank you for taking the time to share with us here in the U.S..

  7. User avater
    simplesue 10/19/2021

    Those are some amazing Peonies, so nice to be able to see them all the way in Croatia via the Fine Garden Photo of the Day pages!
    Very healthy & happy plants!

  8. User avater
    treasuresmom 10/19/2021

    Oh, my, how lovely!

  9. btucker9675 10/19/2021


  10. User avater
    bdowen 10/19/2021

    Love these beautiful peonies, especially the so pretty yellow ones. They must bring you so much joy. Thank you for sharing your lovely garden!

  11. carolineyoungwilliams 12/16/2021

    Zarko, Thank you for sharing your beautiful garden. I love Peonies and Japanese Maples. I also planted them together. You give me hope that mine will be just as beautiful. Thank you.

  12. Dusanka 01/28/2022

    Bog Zarko,
    I hope to begin gardening in your neck of the woods soon, near Rijeka.
    Where can I purchase peonies in Croatia?

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