Garden Photo of the Day

Progress in the Hospice Garden

Joe in Baltimore Highlands has graciously shared the hospice garden he has created. So wonderful to see what's new, and thanks for letting GPOD-ers be a part of it!

"These photos were taken in the last 2 weeks, The circular area is the  Hospice garden & most of the plants are those suggested by you folks this past fall.  This spring has been a mixed bag weather wise and below freezing temps. in early April damaged the hydrangeas severely with the exception of the Limelight tree hydrangea that is the focal point of the Hospice garden. Below is the  plant list with quantities  & I  want to thank  all of you for your help. Good luck to everyone."

  • Limelight Tree Hydrangea
  • Daffodil Narcissus Akita 18
  • Little Green Eyes 24, Rose of May 18  
  • Anemoni Levellier  Windflower 6
  • Sedum Frosty Morn  6 
  • Cerastium Tomentosum  Silver Carpet 14 
  • Platycodon Balloon Flower  Fuji White 13
  • Shasta Daisy Snow Lady  9
  • Mazus Reptans  Albus  13
  • Iberis Supervirens  Snow Cone 9 
  • Artemesia Schmidtiana  Silver Mound 3
  • Hemerocallis  Ice Carnival  5
  • Phlox David 3     

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View 23 comments


  1. wGardens 05/02/2016

    Lovely! Very nice choices and a wonderful garden for folks to enjoy,.Be sure to send photos in when it fills out. Thanks for sharing!

    1. user-3565112 05/02/2016

      I will do that. I believe you suggested dwarf mock orange. I plan to plant that under the flag pole jus outside this area. Than you & good luck this spring, Joe

  2. TheresaMG 05/02/2016

    Great job, Joe! I'm sure it will bring you beauty & peace as you work in the garden and enjoy it.

    1. user-3565112 05/02/2016

      The white plants now blooming in the photo are the Iberis you suggested & were planted in bloom in early March. My daughter likes that plant & bought some for gardens she started this past weekend. Thank you for you for suggesting this plant & you kind comments. Good luck , Joe

  3. user-3565112 05/02/2016

    This garden is to honor the Hospice nurses & organization that was so kind & helpful to my wife & family during the last weeks of her illness. Thank you for your comments & suggestions last fall. Good luck, Joe

  4. User avater
    meander_michaele 05/02/2016

    That circle is certainly going to develop into a beautiful oasis of colors that communicate peace and serenity...a lovely tribute to those you wish to honor for their kindnesses to your wife, you and your family during the difficult time of saying the final good-by. Can't wait to see that 'Limelight' hydrangea in full and glorious bloom. Please do send pictures from in the summer.

    1. user-3565112 05/02/2016

      The tree hydrangea came thru the winter beautifully and we are eager to see it in bloom this summer also. I believe you suggested a boulder There are 3 small stones in the garden & one is a piece of the west wall of the U.S. Capital. Thank you for you comments & suggestions last fall. Good luck, Joe

  5. user-4691082 05/02/2016

    Joe, the garden is beautiful. I'm sure working on it helps you to honor your wife. Your kind of love is rare. I can only hope and pray that someone will care for my precious garden after I'm gone. Your wife was blessed to have you!

    1. user-3565112 05/02/2016

      We can only hope the next owners want our home for the gardens & not despite the gardens. When my mother in law sold her house in Ga. the new owners cut down her trees & removed her gardens. It broke her heart & she never went back to see it when she visited her sisters Thank you for your kind remarks. Good luck this spring, Joe

  6. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 05/02/2016

    So nice to see all of the work you have done, Joe, and it looks like everything is recovering from the crazy early-warm-then-freeze spring we've had. The circular bed and plant choices are great and I bet the garden will simply be exuberant by the end of this month! Your azaleas look great, too!

    1. user-3565112 05/02/2016

      This has been a crazy spring. Temps in the 20's and I in of rain in April .It pays to listen to experts & you guys made great suggestions . Thank you for your help & good luck this spring, Joe

  7. sheila_schultz 05/02/2016

    Joe, the garden you created out of heartfelt love is emerging from the winter with so much joy. It is going to mature beautifully and I'd really like to see another round of photos at the end of the summer. You must be so comforted.

    1. user-3565112 05/02/2016

      I will send photos in later this summer. Tracking down some of the plants online & dealing with the nurseries was fun. Before this year I had bad experiences with online nurseries but I dealt with nurseries you folks mentioned & everyone was a pleasure to work with. Thank you & good luck this spring, Joe

  8. User avater
    LindaonWhidbey 05/02/2016

    Joe, sorry for your tough spring. It's just one of the many things that you can't control as a gardener, but your plants seem to be rallying. I love the Limelight hydrangea as the center of your bed. I just planted a shrub form of this since I had it back in my WI garden and am hopeful that it will be just as beautiful and easy to grow here in the PNW. I hope your garden continues to give you joy and like the others here, I'd love to see late summer photos. Thanks for sharing.

    1. user-3565112 05/02/2016

      Temps have moderated , we have had some rain & things are popping up all over the place. The Limelight tree hydrangea has done well but all the others died back to the ground. So far so good & I am confident this won' disappoint this summer.
      Thank you & good luck this spring, Joe

  9. Meelianthus 05/02/2016

    Really lovely Joe and what an adventure to have all of those beautiful new plants. You must have so enjoyed working with all of that beauty - and now you get to enjoy all summer long. What a wonderful treat to watch it all fill out over the next few months. Enjoy!

    1. user-3565112 05/02/2016

      This is my 1st experience with daffodils & quite a few of the other plants in this garden. I am anxious to see how these ground covers co-exist with the other plants & each other .I am hoping they inter -weave and present a tapestry of shades & textures over time. Thank you & good luck, Joe

  10. user-3565112 05/02/2016

    I want to thank everyone for their suggestions & help with this & other projects since I "discovered" this blog just about a year ago. I also want to thank the lady at Fine Gardening for her hard work every day keeping this site fresh & interesting. This site & seeing you folks interact are a great way to start the day. Thank you, Joe

  11. organiclandscaper 05/02/2016

    I moved from NH to MO, and we are at least one month ahead of New England's weather. I got the chance to see cherries and apples blooming twice in one month! Also, double the allergies...

  12. user-7007498 05/03/2016

    Joe: Your story about the garden is so touching. Gardening is a wonderful way to heal the wounds of lost love ones. It is a beautiful tribute to your wife, and those people who were there for both you and her in those unimaginable times.

    You will love hydrangea paniculata 'Limelight'. It is my favorite panicle hydrangea.
    Best wishes.

    1. user-3565112 05/03/2016

      Thank you Kevin. Nurses are very special people. My wife looked forward to their visits , always felt better afterwards, & never failed to thank them for their help.
      I have had hydrangeas a long time but they have taken a beating in the last few winters with very few blooms. This one appears to have come thru the winter in good shape. Thank you & good luck this spring, Joe

  13. perenniallycrazy 05/03/2016

    I'm glad you're back with an update. Your story and garden really warms up this gardener's heart. Your plantings are darling. Please return through the year with more photos.

    1. user-3565112 05/03/2016

      Thank you for you kind remarks . With the exception of the daffodils all of the plants in this garden were suggested by you folks on. Some of those suggested would not fit in this garden but I have planted some elsewhere & I am still looking for a dwarf mock orange in this vicinity. Thank you & good luck, Joe

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