Garden Photo of the Day

READER PHOTO: A simple combo with big impact

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Photo/Illustration: Mindy Arbo

Today’s GPOD is from Mindy Arbo of the Cotton-Arbo retum in Winchester, Massachusetts. Mindy says: “This striking combination of Hosta ‘Sum and Substance’ and Chelone ‘Hot Lips’ comes from the extraordinary Connecticut garden of Monique and Les Anthony. The planting works in many ways. The color palette of magenta, gold, and deep green is compatible, and the vignette is visually kinetic from the small finely articulated chelone flowers and foliage mixed with the large broad hosta leaves. This is also a particularly long-lasting combo in the garden; the hosta has presence from June through October and the chelone blooms in late August and September.” Thanks, Mindy, for sharing this photo with us!


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  1. arboretum 04/13/2010

    Les and Monique's showplace was one of the Ct. gardens featured on The Garden Conservancy's Open Days tour last year.I hope readers will check their national Open Days Directory (soon to be mailed to Garden Conservancy members) to see if this garden is being owner-shown again this year.
    The Garden Conservancy's Open Days tours happen all around the U.S. and enable one to see the very best private gardens
    that we have. see them at

  2. jan johnsen 03/01/2011

    Gorgeous combination! I just planted a mass of sum and substance hosta last year. This year they might be big enough to consider plating around them....

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