Garden Photo of the Day

READER PHOTOS! Ana’s garden in Portugal

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Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Ana Abrantes

Boy, do I get excited when we get photos in from far-off countries! Today’s photos are from Ana Abrantes.

I was tempted to “edit” Ana’s words, but decided to let her speak as herself: “Hi, I live in Portugal, my garden have a very heavy soil, blue/dark clay. Anyway I try do my best and have some success here and there. I send a photo, last spring. Hope you all like. One exuberante “glicinea”.”

That is one gorgeous wisteria path, Ana, and I don’t know what the plant in the second photo is, but I LIKE it. Anyone know? Thanks, Ana, for showing us a piece of your garden!

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Ana Abrantes

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View 12 comments


  1. anaabrantes157 03/15/2012

    the second plant is a "callistemon" .Ihave many here and nice photos that i can send if you want or i can.
    Have a nice day

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    meander_michaele 03/15/2012

    What a magical walk that must be when the wisteria is in glorious bloom and that heavenly fragrance fills the air!
    And the plant in the second picture made me smile because it looks like one of those playful fiber optic light lamps.

  3. pattyspencer 03/15/2012

    Beautiful wisteria! I agree - it must be heaven to walk under it when it's in full bloom. The the other flower is a WOW! Gorgeous and bright! I looked it up and it's a type of bottle brush bush.

  4. Parb 03/15/2012

    It looks a lot like Feijoa sellowiana O. You can see a photo here:

  5. tractor1 03/15/2012

    WOW is right, what a lot of wisteria! I had one wisteria vine years ago but it required severe pruning down to nubs each year if it was to flower the following year,and the flowers don't last long so mustly it was a very fast growing green vine... but the blooms look and smell heavenly. It was a monumental task to dig up its roots, I replaced it with concord grapes, made a lovely privacy fence. I'll guess that Ana lives in central or northern portugal, I think the southern portion is too arid for wisteria. At first glance I thought that flower is mimosa but then saw that the foliage didn't match. A very nice contribution.

  6. Wife_Mother_Gardener 03/15/2012

    Beautiful! Thanks for sharing Ana.

  7. soilgoil 03/15/2012

    Later this season my husband is going to construct an arbor for our out-of-control, but gorgeous wisteria. Your photo was a wonderful encouragement. Thank you! I hope you'll send more photos of your garden, Ana.

  8. wittyone 03/15/2012

    You say you have "some success here and there". Wow! I'd say that if the wisteria was the only thing you had growing there that would be more than enough to claim total success.

    Absolutely luscious looking.

  9. sheilaschultz 03/16/2012

    Ana, thank you. Your photos are magical!

  10. Kimi57 03/16/2012

    It takes a gardener to be able to grow wisteria! that must be you Ana!

  11. jmlecocq 03/18/2012

    I definitely think it's a bottle brush! Gorgeous trellis of, too, in NW FL it is one of the first signs of spring.

  12. ameyvel 05/01/2012

    With BIG LETTERS, sorry, not meant to shout anyone,just admiration for the beauty of Ana's Wisterias WOW!!!!

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