Garden Photo of the Day

READER PHOTOS! Beth’s garden in Ohio

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Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Beth Zellner

Today’s photos are from Beth Zellner in Marysville, Ohio. Beth says, “I really enjoy opening my e-mail every weekday and getting to see a new batch of photos from GPOD! I learn and am inspired by what other gardeners are doing. I am not a professional gardener or photographer. I just love spending time out in the garden and consider it to be my creative outlet.

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Beth Zellner

“When I first moved to my home in 2004, the lawn was of the ordinary, plain-Jane grass variety. There were no garden beds at all. I had an inkling of what I wanted: a wildlife-friendly meadow with endless blooms, with a splash of whimsy.  My style continues to evolve, but as you can see from the photos, I think I am at least on the right path!

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Beth Zellner

“At present, my beds are full of Siberian wallflowers, bachelor’s buttons, sweet Williams and poppies (to name a few). There are also the irises, lupines, and dianthus. The peonies are blooming. Soon these will all fade and the echinacea, black-eyed Susans, daisies, blanketflowers, and daylilies will take their place. My goal for the rest of the year and next is to increase the Ohio natives and create a butterfly paradise with milkweed, bee balm, and phlox.”

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Beth Zellner

You’ve created your vision, Beth, and it’s so beautiful! Good luck attracting even more wildlife to your garden. I suspect you’ll be successful.

**These photos, and the accompanying description, were submitted in mid-May, so Beth’s garden may be quite different by now! Perhaps we can persuade Beth to send in more photos… ;-)**

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Beth Zellner
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Beth Zellner
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Beth Zellner
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Beth Zellner

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View 7 comments


  1. user-258617 06/06/2012

    Your wild flower meadow is absolutely gorgeous! How did you get it started?

  2. Wife_Mother_Gardener 06/06/2012

    Truly beautiful! I agree - I would love to hear how you did it!

  3. User avater
    meander_michaele 06/06/2012

    Very, very lovely, Beth, you have really accomplished a lot in such a short period of time (ha, proof I'm getting old that 2004 seems like just yesterday). Love your touches of whimsy..such personal selections always add so much personality to a garden. I can see you have a sense of playfulness and want your garden to evoke smiles of pleasure and surprise.
    I definitely agree with Michelle...another round of pictures would be very much appreciated!

  4. tractor1 06/06/2012

    Beth, if as you say your yard was just plain sod, like your neighbor's, then in eight short years you did a yeoman's job creating a cornicopia of blossoms balanced with whimsey. Consider some carefully chosen conifers to add interest in winter and to offer homes for the birds. Thank you, Beth.

  5. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 06/06/2012

    Beautiful garden; quality photos! I think, even at peak, meadow-type gardens can look 'weedy'. Yours is just beautiful. An airy, colorful delight. And the peonies and iris look amazing. My double peonies didn't bloom this year-they started to open and turned brown. Glad yours were stunning!

  6. JuleMG 06/06/2012

    Very inspiring! I also want to know whether you started from plants or seeds.

  7. bethnbijoux 06/07/2012

    Thank you, Michelle, for featuring my garden :) And thank you to those who left such lovely comments. They are SO appreciated! As I am a gardener on a budget, my technique is not very glamorous. I choose an area to create a bed and tarp it for a year to smother the weeds. The wallflowers, bachelor's buttons, poppies, lupine and others were started from seed that was direct sown (and no soil amendments). I purchase the seed in bulk and mix my own combinations. The irises, echinacea and peonies were divisions from friends, family and neighbors. The dianthus I purchased with a Groupon! I have a very strict "survival of the fittest" attitude here! To keep weeds down and flowers blooming, I overseed in the fall. ~ Beth

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