Garden Photo of the Day

READER PHOTOS! Cherry’s containers in British Columbia, Day 1

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Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Cherry Ong

Today’s photos are from Cherry Ong in Richmond, BC. We’ve featured Cherry’s garden before (HERE), and I love her clean, textural, dynamic style! Today and tomorrow, we’ll get to see some of her container creations from last season. Today check out her beautiful succulent containers.

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Cherry Ong

Cherry says, “I tried my hand with succulents for the first time last season and loved them.  The most difficult part is finding the space indoors during the cold and rainy months, so they ended up as gifts. I wonder what your avid succulent gardeners do with theirs during the winter months?”

Good question, Cherry. Anyone care to share your methods??

***Keep sending in your garden photos, everyone! Email me at***

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Cherry Ong
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Cherry Ong
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Cherry Ong

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View 10 comments


  1. Kris_at_Blithewold 05/08/2012

    Cherry, I know of someone who stores his bare-root(!) under lights in the cellar. Kind of brilliant especially in a damp climate if you have the space!

  2. tractor1 05/08/2012

    I like succulents, they are so neat. And Cherry's arrangements are so alluring and provocative, they are all sexpots!

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    meander_michaele 05/08/2012

    I think tractor1 nailed it! I, too, find them all totally captivating!

  4. kuszler 05/08/2012

    I just bring mine in over the winter and put them in a sunny window. Water occasionally and mine have made it fine over the last 2 winters.

  5. pattyspencer 05/08/2012

    I agree with everyone. I have my 1 succulent in an east facing 1/2 bathroom window. It has stubby (what I call) fingers but must be really happy as the new growth is several inches in length. The last pic is my favorite!

  6. GarPho 05/08/2012

    Cherry, your arrangements are so artistic, I am inspired by them. I have lots of unused river stone that will certainly get more use this year!

    I have some southwest facing dormer windows and I set my pots of succulents in them over winter. The room temperature stays somewhere in the 50s there and they do just fine.

  7. snollygaster 05/08/2012

    Very inspring combos, Cherry. Thanks for sharing. I live across the pond in Victoria, BC and have had no trouble overwintering the plants in the oval container outside. I just bring them in if it looks to be a frosty night and place them on my entry porch.

  8. TeriCA 05/08/2012

    Wow--beautiful containers! Not sure about how succulents will do but have a feeling that the climate here in Sacramento will allow me to even put succulents in the soil, only thing is succulents love poor soil, and I have abundantly GREAT they may end up in containers, but I do feel the climate is so relatively mild here in California's capitol, that they will survive just fine outside through the winter! Thanks for sharing!

  9. TeriCA 05/08/2012

    Oh, and meant to add I was in charge of the succulents at a local nursery...and they can stand the cold...just a hard frost will get them...their leaves are so full of water the hard freeze will make them die.....

  10. perenniallycrazy 05/09/2012

    Thank you everyone for all your compliments and succulent storage tips. We stored what we had left indoors by a south facing bedroom window and watered them once a month. We did find though that we needed more windows (or less succulent containers, the more unlikely choice I might add). We have brought them all outside now for hardening and hopefully they will get their vibrant colors back by the beginning of summer. I will try out your tip on overwintering outdoors Snollygaster. .. and LOL to the "sexpots" comment Tractor 1 and Meander 1. LOL. Thanks again. Have a nice day!

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