Garden Photo of the Day

READER PHOTOS! Jane’s garden in Tennessee

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Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Jane Crewey

Today’s photos are from Jane Crewey in Bristol, Tennessee. Jane says, “I have worked on my garden for 20 years now and it has matured since these-pictures were taken and some plants have been replaced. It is never ending! I have always loved to garden but mostly flowers were my passion.

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Jane Crewey

“When I took the Master Gardener Program in Abingdon, Virginia, I was introduced to English gardens and Italian gardens and a whole world of botanical plants for 12 months of gardening. I started going to nurseries everywhere, visited botanical gardens, obtained gardening books, and began the journey of creating a beautiful garden rich in variety and texture. I have a woodland garden, a rose garden, and an area I refer to as the “Park” with a bench for contemplating the wonders of God’s creation.

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Jane Crewey

“I have 2 ponds, one is a koi pond, the other is for water lilies. I have incorporated brick as well as stone paths, mirrors in the reflection garden, arbors, gates, a gazebo, and garden house to store all things related to gardening as well as my golf cart for easy transportation and hauling around the garden.

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Jane Crewey

“The garden also has tulips, daffodils, daylilies, ‘Casa Blanca’ lilies, fragrant hostas, lily of the valley, forget-me-nots, primroses, lilacs, and a tree wisteria, just to name a few. I am very fond of good smells in the garden, some of which bring back memories of childhood. I often say, “there is no problem you cannot solve in a garden.” This was the first place God made for man and instructed him to take care of it. It is therapy to work in a garden and I love mine so much.” Beautiful, Jane! I love how formal but romantic your garden looks.

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Jane Crewey
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Jane Crewey

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View 16 comments


  1. GrnThum 07/25/2012

    Absolutely beautiful and so neat and tidy! I love the mulched areas between the plants - it's so restful and does such an excellent job of setting each off to best advantage. So many gardens are chock-a-block (mine included) with plant material and color that everything melds together. While that's a lovely look, it can sometimes be "too much of a good thing" and you wind up doing more unplanting than anything else at this time of year. During these oppressive dog days of summer, less is more, in my book. I'd gladly trade places for a few hours in the early mornings!

  2. tractor1 07/25/2012

    Whoever first coined the phrase "Perfection eludes us." didn't meet Jane Crewey's precision garden... I bet Jane is the only gardener on the planet with a micrometer pruner. I'm impressed!

  3. User avater
    meander_michaele 07/25/2012

    Jane, your gracefully winding brick path is perfection...and so beautifully framed by lovingly tended plants. I, too, am impressed with the tasteful restraint your style of gardening exemplifies. In a way, your empty spaces are garden elements in themselves because they are purposeful and contribute mightily to the serenity your garden communicates. The lovely marlborough bench invites a restful sit to make time for peaceful contemplation.
    I think we are all hopeful that you will share more pictures so we can see the other aspects of your garden which you mention.

  4. user-258617 07/25/2012

    Jane you have a really lovely home and garden. Could you send more recent photos? I love the romantic feeling it exudes, and walking around it must be a daily joy. Congratulations! I wonder if I could have your permission to use it in my blog about life after stroke as a terrific example of the type of garden disabled folk could really enjoy and easily garden in?

  5. duckcovegardening 07/25/2012

    Your gardens are beautiful and refined. I agree that it lends an element of serenity that is sometimes missing in gardens that use many different plants in one space. From your description of your other gardens, they must be very special. Please share!

  6. ayoder1 07/25/2012

    Your home and garden are a real testament to the love poured into your surroundings for so many years. The garden looks like a park, one I'd certainly love to enjoy first-hand. I too appreciate how nature reminds us of the Creator, and find gardening an act of co-creating beauty. Thanks for sharing these photos.

  7. dukeofargy 07/25/2012


  8. dukeofargy 07/25/2012


  9. dukeofargy 07/25/2012

    Gorgeous. Well photographed as well. You certainly know your rule of 3rds.

    You are indeed looking after God's creation in a very beautiful and peaceful manner. Well done.

  10. Formandfoliage 07/25/2012

    We love it! The simplicity creates a tranquil and sophisticated space and we can feel our blood pressure drop as we enter. And of course, we love all that foliage with the contrasting textures and structure.

  11. sheila_schultz 07/25/2012

    Your gardens quietly whisper, 'come sit for awhile.' They are beautiful, Jane.

  12. dadeo1 07/25/2012

    great look. need more pics ! ....need to see the ponds too. lovely.

  13. shirleyjean 07/25/2012

    I'll bet your home is just as organized and restful as your garden. Everything perfect. I would guess that you have a gardener and a housekeeper and that you spend your days making everything tidy behind them. I can only wish I were more like you.

  14. pattyspencer 07/25/2012

    Beautiful! Would love to be walking that brick pathway every day

  15. thegardencatkeeper 07/25/2012

    I thought I recognized this garden as soon as I opened the email. I took the Master Gardener class on the Tennessee side of Bristol and learned about Jane's beautiful gardens from classmates. Also there was a full page writeup in the local paper some time ago and the picture of the house was used in it. There was also a gorgeous photo taken from the second floor of the house. I've heard about the ponds but never seen them. Like dadeo1 I would like to see the ponds too!

  16. Joyce70 07/25/2012

    I lived for 8 years in Abingdon during the mid-70's. We just loved the beautiful old homes and gardening. Seeing your gardens bring back memories.

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