Garden Photo of the Day

READER PHOTOS! Jill’s garden in Michigan

'Orange Sensation' rose, pink lychnis center (Japanese maple behind on center) TWO WAYS TO ENLARGE! Click directly on the image to enlarge in a pop-up. Click HERE to view the image in a new browser window.
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Jill Moore

Today’s photos are from Jill Moore in Canton, Michigan. Jill says, “We have lived in our home for 22 years. We are the first owners, so it was a blank slate. The land where our subdivision is built was farm land. Through the years, we have brought in top soil as I added one flower bed after another. We have planted 35 trees through the years. The garden is an accumulation of plants from friends, purchases I couldn’t live without (mail order and in the store), and the nursery clearance tables in late summer.

Roses ‘Marmalade Skies’ to the left, Tequila Sunrise’ center, ‘Betty Prior’ left — background = magnolia bush middle, mulberry tree left
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Jill Moore

Always thinning the herd, moving things around, and giving plants away, etc. I am a plant hoarder, so the garden evolves continuously. Roses are my favorite, and I have over 200 of them. I love giving perennials away to friends and family. I have a butterfly garden, too, and I bring the eggs I find on the host plants into the house and raise them. I release them when it’s time. I currently have black swallowtails and monarchs at different stages of life in my dining room.” Beautiful, Jill. I love the mental image I have of butterflies fluttering around your dining room!

Bed of monarda (bee balm) getting read to bloom.
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Jill Moore
‘Seven Sisters’ rose
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Jill Moore
‘Rainbow Knockout’ rose, clematis, and tall verbena (Verbena bonariensis)
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Jill Moore
Joe Pye weed at the back
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Jill Moore
Work in progress. This was a shade garden, but we lost two trees, so it is now a sun garden. Have started moving the hostas out and sun perennials in.
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Jill Moore

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  1. User avater
    meander_michaele 08/23/2012

    Jill, it really is satisfying to do a "tree planted" count every now and then and realize how valuable those efforts are throughout the years. Were the trees you had to take down original to the property or ones you planted?
    I love how you have so many seating opportunities tucked in amongst your bountifully flower filled garden beds...gotta' have a place to sit quietly and watch all the butterfly activity. That is so neat that you are such a nurturer of those beautiful creatures.

  2. plant_lady_55 08/23/2012

    meander1 - We did remove two trees last year for different reasons. One was diseased and the other that was supposed to have been a dwarf was growing into the house and roots were too close for comfort to the basement and pushing up the brick pavers on the patio. Also, there was not one tree here when we moved in. We hated to lose both trees. It did, however, give us more sun. Of course, more sun means changing plants in that area from a shade garden to a sun garden. It was a lot of fun and an excuse for a few new plants. Yes, the seating is nice. Depending on the time of day , each lends a different vantage point to viewing the yard and/or butterflies and hummingbirds.

  3. thegardencatkeeper 08/23/2012

    You are lucky to build on farm land. We also did and had some of the best soil to start with. I can see you have really worked hard and planned your gardens. The two frogs on the bench are precious!

  4. tractor1 08/23/2012

    So many plants, so little time. Everything looks very lush and I love all those birdbaths. I'd replace those fallen trees with dense conifers, they add winter interest and terific homes for the birds that winter over. Thank you, Jill.

  5. Parb 08/23/2012

    Jill, I would love to see photos of your butterfly hatchery. Your garden is beautiful. I too, had to redo my yard, after a tornado took out all my mature trees turning a complete shade yard into a full sun yard. It has been an interesting and sometimes frustrating journey.

    Thanks for showing us your garden.

  6. greengrowler 08/23/2012

    Jill, raising butterflies is so intriguing! Do you bring them indoors to increase the survival rate? How do they fair after being raised indoors - do they need to be acclimated to outdoors?
    I spy a Japanese maple in the first photo - such a delicate, peaceful small specimen tree. Over the years, I've killed too many to count, yet keep trying because they are so lovely. They don't appreciate our dry, windy climate. The trees surrounding your yard certainly enhance the perennial beds!

  7. plant_lady_55 08/23/2012

    Parb - would love to get pictures of the butterfly terrarium to you. Just let the last Monarch go yesterday, but I have 18 Black Swallowtail caterpillars in there now. If you are on Facebook, I could post there.
    Tractor1 - good idea with the conifers. I don't currently have any. Most years I will leave some plants in tact as opposed to cleaning the beds out in the fall -- to leave seeds for the birds and have some "winter interest." The conifers are good for birds, too. Thanks! You can always teach an old gardener new tricks. :-)
    Thegardencatkeeper - I love those frogs, too. My brother gave me those one year as a Christmas gift. I didn't put any real pet pictures in, but I have a dog and two cats. The dog loves the yard. One of the cats is always trying to escape from the house into the yard -- lots of nooks and crannies to investigate.

  8. plant_lady_55 08/23/2012

    GreenGrowler - Yes, I bring the butterfly eggs and caterpillars into the house to increase the survival rate. Only 1% make it to adulthood. They fall prey to many things, including parasites. There is no acclimation when they are released. Once they are out of their chrysalis, I wait for the wings to dry (couple of hours) then let them go. I got a lot of information from Brenda in the Southeast Michigan Butterfly Association (SEMBA). She got me going on helping the butterflies, i.e., host plants, nectar plants, looking for eggs. She took me around her yard one year and showed me how to spot them. It's amazing to watch the process! I have two Japanese maples. I have a laceleaf in the front that is huge and has been there for 22 years. It is in a protected location right in front of the porch. The other one has suffered through the years and is much smaller now. Thought we lost it at one point, but it made a comeback.

  9. nonnanancy 08/23/2012

    Jill's Garden is always beautiful anytime of the year. Many hours of hard work go into a garden and it truly shows in these photos of her gardens. There is always a little surprise as you turn a corner or walk to a new bed. A walk through her garden in person is spectacular. I am a receiver of some of her volunteers for my English Garden. Thank you Jill. Most gardeners can always find a spot for something new and Jill's gardens are a beautiful example. Thanks for sharing your lovely gardens with us.

  10. pattyspencer 08/23/2012

    Really nice yard! What an awesome thing to do to save butterflies!!

  11. sheila_schultz 08/24/2012

    Jill... I've never known anyone that raised butterflies before, I love it! Pretty sweet garden's, too!

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