Garden Photo of the Day

READER PHOTOS! Katy & Tom’s garden in Massachusetts

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Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Katy & Tom Dunlay

Today’s photos are from Katy and Tom Dunlay. Katy says, “My husband and I live just outside of Boston in the town of Westwood, Massachusetts. We built this house 26 years ago. Every year we add new gardening beds and architectural details such as antique granite posts, fence sections, arbors and even an old original Boston street lantern. We love gardening and do all of the planting ourselves.

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Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Katy & Tom Dunlay

“We love spending time in the garden, finding old garden plants and learning about the newest, long-blooming perennials and roses. We take these pictures to remember, as Spring approaches, where each plant is located, what plants we need to divide, move, or give away, and what could be improved.

2 WAYS TO ENLARGE!Click directly on the photo to enlarge in a pop-up, or click HERE to see this image, larger, in a new browser window.
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Katy & Tom Dunlay

“Most of the pics show a work in progress (Is a garden ever done?), with wheel barrows, shovels, and such. Luckily, we had taken several when the work was done ‘for now’.”

So beautiful, you guys! Thanks for sharing your “work in progress” with us.

2 WAYS TO ENLARGE!Click directly on the photo to enlarge in a pop-up, or click HERE to see this image, larger, in a new browser window.
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Katy & Tom Dunlay
2 WAYS TO ENLARGE!Click directly on the photo to enlarge in a pop-up, or click HERE to see this image, larger, in a new browser window.
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Katy & Tom Dunlay

View 12 comments


  1. juliefl2002 12/20/2011

    This is gorgeous.. I would love to see more of the brick patio!

  2. gottagarden 12/20/2011

    love the hosta bed!

  3. tractor1 12/20/2011

    There's a tremendous amount of arhitectural details and chachkas, and everything seems so meticulously tended; spit shined and enameled. Next have the orthodontist align that block curb along the driveway and while you're at it lay down a coat of sealer and your vehicles need Depends! LOL I have a graveled parking area for visiters, especially workmen, I haven't met a contractor's truck yet that doesn't suffer incontinence... it doesn't take long in northern climes for oil drips to erode clear through blacktop. Lay down cat litter over winter and come warm dry weather have a good seal coat applied before the winter road salt does more damage. And remember it's a driveway, not a parking lot... repaving runs into the several thousand$.

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    meander_michaele 12/20/2011

    Katy and Tom, you do beautiful work and your garden areas brim over with love for the activities of building and planting. The incredibly lush hosta bed looks like a display page in a White Flower Farm catalog. I'll bet your place is an inspiration for your neighborhood.

  5. Lisianne 12/20/2011

    I loved the blue gazing globe in the perennial bed. You have such excellent taste and design sense that I don't feel so bad continuing my love affair with glass in the garden!

  6. sheilaschultz 12/20/2011

    Very pretty gardens, Katy and Tom. It's easy to tell they were designed and planted with love. Rest up for the spring!

  7. hortiphila 12/20/2011

    I adore the understated elegance of the Front Entry, the way Katy & Tom used repetition of color and form to bring unity to their design. Their use of line to lead the eye and ultimately the person up the walk to the front door. The way the arbor frames the view. Wonderful!

  8. soilgoil 12/21/2011

    I disagree with tractor1 that "there's a tremendous amount of...chachkas"; I think there are just enough. Yes, the garden is polished and may be too perfect for some, but I find it glorious. Keep up the great work, Kay and Tom!

  9. Statues 12/25/2011

    Love your garden. What is your secret to keeping your Stella d Olars in blossom for the summer? I love the yellow ones. Thank you

  10. kmdunlay 12/28/2011


    Thank you for all of your kind and helpful comments. My own love of design comes from the many beautiful gardens of Nantucket and New England, but I learn so much and love getting ideas from all of the beautiful gardens I see on this site from all over the country!

  11. pattyspencer 12/28/2011

    I don't think I agree with tractor1's use of the word Chachkas - difined as - 1. (Yiddish) an attractive, unconventional woman 2. (Yiddish) an inexpensive showy trinket. I too love the hosta bed and (to me) even though the entry way looks very formal it has a very inviting feeling of welcoming.

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