Garden Photo of the Day

READER PHOTOS! Krista’s water garden in Ohio

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Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Krista Havill

Today’s photos are from Krista Havill in Ottawa Hills, Ohio. Krista says, “For many years, I have attended local garden tours and realized that my favorite gardens had a water feature. So in 2004, my husband (who has an engineering background) and I, with my knowledge of plants, designed and built a water garden to enhance our existing landscape.

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Krista Havill

“Our land is quite flat so in order to have two small waterfalls and a stream flow into the kidney shaped pond, major dirt had to be moved.  My plant selection repeats burgundy, yellows, blues, and of course, calming shades of green. It is a wonderful place to relax and listen to the sound of water and watch the fish, frogs, and perhaps a hummingbird fly in and out of the bird of paradise fountain spray.”

Gorgeous, Krista! It’s not easy to create an attractive water garden, but you succeeded in a big way. Thanks for sharing it with us!

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Krista Havill
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Krista Havill
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Krista Havill
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Krista Havill


We’re in the middle of assembling gardening tips for the Tips column in the November/December issue, and we are seriously short. You guys have any tricks or time-saving tips for late fall or winter? Like, tips for overwintering tender plants, keeping houseplants happy in a dry house, planning for spring, documenting the past season, keeping your gardening urges satisfied in the middle of winter, cleaning up the garden during the down-season, storing tools neatly, mulching, planting bulbs, drying flowers, etc.? Write them up and email them to me at [email protected] within the next week or so (the sooner the better….). If we publish yours, we’ll pay you $25, and if you’re chosen as best tip for the issue, you’ll also receive a free one-year subscription to Fine Gardening. Thanks!

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View 12 comments


  1. lijda 05/10/2012

    This pond is beautiful. The stonework is amazing (I love the sides of the pond) and your decorative elements, from the fountain to the not-a-gryphon (not sure what it's called) to the driftwood to the table, are perfect. Did you make them all yourself? The table is so unusual and so right. Inspired and inspiring.

  2. terieLR 05/10/2012

    Krista, this is the inspiration I needed to see today. All the elements come together so beautifully. Your colors and textures are suburb. Rounded, smooth rocks just add to the soothing atmosphere and beckon me to relax just by viewing. Now, off to our pond project...

  3. mrspain 05/10/2012

    This pond is beautiful. I live in Ohio also and have a small pond. I wish my pond look half as good as this one. You would find me sitting by it every chance I could. Soooo peaceful.

  4. User avater
    meander_michaele 05/10/2012

    This is truly a particularly lovely pond and your surrounding plantings are perfect. Talk about a setting to enjoy a "staycation"!
    I couldn't help but notice the clarity of your water...seems like you must have done everything right to achieve the right balance. I'm sure many of us would like to know if you have a special filtration system or simply an especially good relationship with Mother Nature?

  5. plantlady57 05/10/2012

    How beautiful. I know where I would be spending a lot of time if that was my pond.

  6. Rabbitthumper 05/10/2012

    It is rare that I save all of the photos from any particular garden as I have done with these photos, but yours is one of great inspiration and beauty. Bravo!

  7. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 05/10/2012

    Beautiful garden and water feature. Great plant choices. Beautiful photos to boot! The stone table fills me with envy! Thanks for sharing.

  8. snowglory 05/10/2012

    Meander1, after a year or so, the pond water has maintained a good balance. I have a Savio skimmer/filter system which is kept running even through the winter months. Periodically I use liquid straw, Algaefix, and beneficial bacteria but not on a regular schedule. Krista

  9. sheilaschultz 05/10/2012

    Just lovely, Krista.

  10. tractor1 05/11/2012

    What a lot of work to create your aqua feature, just perfect. I'm ready to sprawl in a hammock and relax listening to to your fountain... it is filled with mimosa, right? LOL

  11. ToniaVuksanovic 05/11/2012

    Hi Krista,
    Can you please tell me what the plant with white flowers (in white pot is) It's really pretty and airy.

  12. MichelleGervais 05/11/2012

    ToniaVuksanovic, I believe that white-flowering plant is Euphorbia 'Diamond Frost'. It's a popular Proven Winners plant, so you should be able to find it at a local nursery pretty easily. It's a great plant!

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