Garden Photo of the Day

READER PHOTOS! Marcia’s garden in Maryland in Spring

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Marcia Brown

Today’s photos are from Marcia Brown in Windsor Mill, Maryland. We featured Marcia’s garden back in January (refresh your memory here), and she wrote back last week to show off one of her recent projects and some spring flowers.

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Marcia Brown

She says, “Here are some spring shots from my garden. I built the rustic tuteur based on the one featured on  Or I should say my husband built it, with me as the helper. The tuteur sits in the center of the perennial garden. The rock walls there had to rebuilt because we made the base of the tuteur too big to fit.

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Marcia Brown

“I have a clematis which will grow to 12 feet tall that will be perfect for this tuteur. There are forget-me-nots (Myosotis sylvestris) planted there too. The pink flowers in the 4th and 5th photos are bleeding hearts (Dicentra spectabilis) and the white flower is a bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis). ”

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Marcia Brown

I can’t wait until you send us photos of the tuteur filled with clematis blooms, Marcia! Please do update us. And I’m still LOVING your house…

Want to build a rustic tuteur for your garden? Here’s the article Marcia used to build hers!

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Marcia Brown
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Marcia Brown


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  1. User avater
    meander_michaele 04/05/2012

    It will be fun for all of us to see this garden area evolve so that means future pictures are a must! Looks like this project is very close to a corner of your house so it will be enjoyed from inside as well as out. I find that the bar is particularly high for areas I look out out as I do dishes or sip coffee since I see them even throughout the winter. My mind stays busy throughout the "off" season thinking about how I can tweak them (or do a major overhaul) to make them more to my liking.
    Marcia, have you already selected which variety of climatisis that is going to be center stage growing up and through the tuteur?

  2. user-7006902 04/05/2012

    I love to make rustic structures for my garden and have made quite a few. Love your tuteur! It is a beautiful focal point in your beautiful garden. I hope to have our native Clematis Virginia climbing up my "leaf trellis" this summer. Can't wait! Wonder what clematis you will be growing ... hope to see a picture. Bloodroot is on my wish list of plants. I, too, admire your home - fantastic.

  3. tractor1 04/05/2012

    I like that woodsy look. I can see that most plants haven't leafed out yet but those bleeding hearts are about three weeks ahead of mine. There appears to be plenty of space to plant more on that property.

  4. pattyspencer 04/05/2012

    The tuteur reminds me of what my Scout boys would make but I know it will be a lot prettier when there are flowers all over it. Love the bleeding heart (note to self - buy some!)

  5. greengrowler 04/05/2012

    Ahh, Bleeding heart - one of my faves - and it grows well here! Several of mine are up and have buds; the warm winter caused them to break dormancy early. We had cold & snow a few days this week but they soldiered through! Love the rustic tuteur, too! BTW, awesome photos this week - viewed them all at once today as work drama has kept me from my "daily dose" of inspiration and reading everyone's fun comments.... This week reminded me when I grow up, I want to be retired!

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