Garden Photo of the Day

Scenes from a Great Season, Part 2

More from Port Orchard, Washington

Today’s GPOD comes to us from Jeanne Cronce:
“Hi fellow GPODers…Jeanne Cronce here with some more pictures of our Zone 7 gardens, called Winter Spring Gardens. Our five acres here in Port Orchard, Washington just keeps getting better and better with the beautiful growing season that we had. Now it is being finished off with the most amazing fall colors ever! Hopefully our winter won’t be too cold and too wet! Happy holidays to all of you!”

Don't miss: Scenes from a Great Season, Part 1

Blueberry, Miscanthus sinensis ‘Zebrinus’, Aconitium, Japanese maple, and Italian cypress

Acer japonicum 'Aconitifolium', large evergreen is Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Boulevard'

Japanese blood grass in front, ‘Feelin’ Blue’ deodar cedar (Cedrus deodara 'Feelin' Blue'),carex, tall nandina

Don't miss: Scenes from a Great Season, Part 1

Have a garden you'd like to share? Email 5-10 high-resolution photos (there is no need to reduce photo sizing before sending—simply point, shoot and send the photos our way) and a brief story about your garden to Please include where you're located!

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View 40 comments


  1. frankgreenhalgh 11/27/2017

    Hi Jeanne - Beautiful autumnal colours. You have an absolutely amazing garden. The scene in the first photo. is outstanding- nice photography too! Congratulations on all your work maintaining 5 acres in such a well manicured and perfect condition. Cheers from Oz.
    PS. I hope that GPODers see Part 1, which was uploaded on the FG GPOD website the other day.

    1. greengenes 11/27/2017

      Thanks Frank. It was so amazing the colors we had this fall. Of course it is all gone now.Cheers!

  2. fredwiman 11/27/2017

    What an amazing, and large, garden you have, Jeanne! So much variety, and so well designed and maintained!

    1. greengenes 11/27/2017

      Thank you Fred!

  3. User avater
    treasuresmom 11/27/2017

    Love all those autumn colors!

    1. greengenes 11/27/2017

      Yes, its been a great colorful fall here!

  4. Maggieat11 11/27/2017

    Nothing short of Fabulous!

    1. greengenes 11/27/2017

      Haha..thanks Margaret!

  5. User avater
    meander_michaele 11/27/2017

    Color me such a fan of your garden, Jeanne...maybe green with envy or purple with admiration! I got such a wonderful warm and cozy feeling getting lost in your last much beautiful texture and dimensionality. And, an extra enthusiastic WOW on the first picture...the composition of plants is so gorgeous. I adore the pops of blue from the aconitium. What is its bloom cycle? Are the fall flowers an additional bonus on top of spring and/or summer or is fall the only time it blooms? Looks like I missed Friday's sharing so today will be double treat day.

    1. Chris_N 11/27/2017

      Aconitum are fall bloomers. We had them but they always did so-so. They would bloom, but were always gangly and sparse. It's nice to see them doing so well.

    2. greengenes 11/27/2017

      Hi Michaele...yes i missed part 1 as well! The monkshood blooms late in summer. It seemed to be really late this year and not as many. They are a beautiful plant but of course very poisonous. Thanks Michaele!

  6. user-7007498 11/27/2017

    Good morning, Jeanne. Missed the post on Friday as it must have appeared later in the day. What beautiful fall pictures and color. Helps this morning with the post-Thanksgiving blues. Acer japonicum ‘aconitofolium’ is such a stunning small tree. It looks gorgeous in your landscape. I love the textures and plant selections. Awesome garden.

    Fall color was a disappointment here in Harrisburg. We had a cool summer with plenty of rain, so I was quite hopeful for a great display, but then we had a very warm October, followed by a cold spell. The leaves went from green to brown overnight. Thanks for showing what I missed.

    1. Chris_N 11/27/2017

      Rather dull fall in the Midwest as well. When we went down to Missouri Botanical Garden, I was looking for the beautiful Japanese maples I'd seen photos of. They were there but rather dull with crispy edges. Back home, our amelanchier turned an OK orange but was not the flaming beauty we usually have.

    2. greengenes 11/27/2017

      Good morning Kevin. Sorry to hear about your weather, how it turned out. Its been so different everywhere. Now we are in our monsoon season! It hasnt been very cold either. But it isnt winter yet! Yes the Aconitofolium is a wonderful tree. I have gotten some seedlings off of it too. Well happy days! Spring will be here before we know it! And seed catalogs and etc...

  7. Chris_N 11/27/2017

    Beautiful, Jeanne. When the email said part 2, I immediately went searching for part 1. The Aconitum against the Japanese maple really knocked my socks off. The blood grass in front of the deodar cedar is another great scene. Your photos just make me want to wander around your garden and enjoy the beauty.

    1. greengenes 11/27/2017

      Thanks Chris! You would be welcome to visit when in the area! Isnt the deodar cedar wonderful! I love playing with that color.

  8. cheryl_c 11/27/2017

    Jeanne, your gardens look like they just go on forever. Your photography is as great as your garden design, capturing the hues as they play off against each other. I was struck with your shrub border in the second picture - is that a variegated abelia with the boxwood? Very nice! Our early fall colors were disappointing - the amsonia and beauty berry never got their golden color, but now the aronia, sweetspire, blueberry and, of course, oak leaf hydrangeas are really putting on a great show. Thanks for showing us your portion of Eden.

    1. greengenes 11/27/2017

      Good morning Cheryl, The gardens do seem to go on forever sometimes when i need to weed and edge. I use a samsung note 5 phone for my camera. It seems to take better pictures than my other cameras! The opposite plant next to the boxwood is called boxwood honeysuckle. This is such a nice plant to work with. It sounds like you got some fall colors! Isnt the amsonia a great plant too!

      1. cheryl_c 11/27/2017

        My second guess would have been boxwood honeysuckle, or wedding ring boxwood. The boxwood honeysuckle that I had and loved for just a few years was more trailing. And, yes on the amsonia - I have both native and a cultivar, and, other than cutting them back pretty sternly after their bloom, they are absolutely carefree.

  9. sheila_schultz 11/27/2017

    Jeanne... there really aren't enough words to aptly describe the beauty you have created at Winter Spring Gardens. No matter the season, your combinations are breath-taking. Your gardener's soul and the love you feel for your creation is apparent with each and every leaf that lives in harmony with it's neighbor. What a beautiful beginning to the week! Now to go find part 1!

    1. greengenes 11/27/2017

      Hi Sheila.. thanks for your generous comments! So glad they brightened your day! Hope you guys have a wonderful fall and holidays!

      1. sheila_schultz 11/27/2017

        Thanks Jeanne... our son and his fiance are coming from Mexico City for the holidays and we're all looking forward to being together for a longer period of time since MC pretty much shuts down around Christmas! I've been trying to make our casita a little more festive for the holidays, and your photos reminded me of how much I truly miss being surrounded by evergreens! It's most unfortunate your photos aren't 'scratch and sniff'!!!

        1. greengenes 11/28/2017

          Wouldnt that be cool if it could be scratch and sniff! Then you could send me some pictures of mexico! Every time i go down there i love the smells! Weird i know but i love it down there! Both sides! Enjoy your holidays with family and friends!

          1. sheila_schultz 11/28/2017

            Haha!!! I would if I could!

  10. perenniallycrazy 11/27/2017

    Whoa Jeanne! Your fall garden is truly spectacular and your photo captures fabulous. I'll definitely be looking into Day 1 later. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

    1. greengenes 11/27/2017

      Thanks Cherry! Yes our thanks giving was a family affair of course. It was good to have everyone together as we are so busy its been hard to do that. Food was good too! We had a wonderful fall so full of color this year. Did you up there?

  11. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 11/27/2017

    Jeanne, Those are some stunning shots. Of course it doesn't hurt to have a spectacular garden. The higher resolution format here (I think) really showcases the colors.
    Fantastic! That Acer japonicum is quite a scene-stealer.

    1. greengenes 11/27/2017

      Hi Tim! Yes, the camera in the samsung note 5 works so well. I use it now instead of my other cameras! Isnt the acer wonderful! I pressed some of the leaves for futher art projects. It has given me some seedlings too!

  12. foxglove12 11/27/2017

    OMG ? so beautiful and amazing! Love all the color and textures and tall trees.

    1. greengenes 11/27/2017

      Thanks Lori!

  13. user-7008735 11/27/2017

    Glorious autumn colour and texture in your beautifully maintained garden, Jeanne! Oh, to have five acres to play with plants -- lucky you! And lucky us that you share your photos.

    1. greengenes 11/28/2017

      Hi Lorraine...five acres is almost too much as i get older. But i stay in shape and keep busy. Iam thankful for it and we are at the end of a deadend road. So its private. But the town is fastly moving closer! Glad you ejoyed the fall colors!

  14. Sunshine111 11/27/2017

    Beautiful Jeanne!

    1. greengenes 11/28/2017

      Thanks Lily!

  15. jeffgoodearth 11/28/2017

    I somehow missed part 1 ! Always a pleasure to see your garden, , and any area with Melianthus is an immediate hit with me. I hope that one day I can walk through your garden with you and hear all the stories and history of each and every plant. Stunning

    1. User avater
      treasuresmom 11/28/2017

      Mine came via email out of order with 2 coming before 1. But it doesn't matter because I think I love part 2 even more than 1.

  16. btucker9675 11/28/2017

    Gorgeous! Love the little tear-drop seating area.

  17. user-6536305 11/28/2017

    Great plants combination. You are a true artist. Thanks for sharing.

  18. user-7009001 11/28/2017

    Love it!!

  19. tennisluv 11/29/2017

    Jeanne, Enjoyed both your postings. Just great combinations, forms, and colors. Many of the plants seem to be just sitting in their beds smugly saying 'Just look at how pretty I am. Bet you wish I was in your garden." AND yes, I do wish they were in my garden. Just lovely.

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