Lynda Skyler from Puget Sound, WA, has been enjoying spring despite the wetness…moss and all!
"We have just had the wettest weather, Oct.-Apr., on record in our area since 1885 so gardening has been very interesting this year. Moss on trees has been incredible and very damaging, it is everywhere! A few photos of very early Spring with very little sun but we are hopeful for warmer days. I have so enjoyed all of GPODers great Spring photos."
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Hello there Lynda - Oh what a fascinating garden you have in Puget Sound! Your garden looks in good nick (don't know if you guys use this phrase, but it is a compliment) despite all the rain. I like the curved borders to the beds, the plant containers and diverse garden art/ornaments. The blue bottles, balls, water bath (?) etc. look great, and complement the colours of the plant foliage etc. I'm intrigued with the structure just on the right hand side of the hose in the 4th photo. - can you put my imagination at rest please? Have a great week-end GPODers. Hooroo (sorry, some more slang) from Oz
Frank, I'm guessing, but I think that structure is another hose reel. (?) Lynda will set us straight. Vikki in VA
Well done Vikki - you were right! Cheers, Frank
Sorry, nothing exotic, just an ugly hose reel ! Glad you enjoyed all and hope you are enjoying your new season.
Thanks Linda - sorry about the misspelling of your name earlier.
Thanks for noticing - rather surprised that not one of other person noticed but not really important.
Looks great, Lynda, as always! Lush, full and bountiful. What is the variegated plant next to the frog? a Bergenia? Glad I checked gpod this morning and even more glad that disqus actually loaded and let me comment. Always a pleasure and good way to start the day with a tour of your garden.
Yay, disqus let you back in!!! I've missed you on GPOD my friend! Have a great weekend, Jeff, and take a little time to stop and enjoy your own gardens.
Hello Jeff, nice that you were able to get back on GPOD. I have had that happen to me before too. The small bush next to 'sentry' frog is a dwarf Pieris, or if you mean the ground cover hugging plant, that is Saxifrage (a shade plant that loves cool sun and develops magnificent varigation). Glad you enjoyed the tour :)
I have turned green :) Thank you, you just gave me an idea for my garden, love it all, but now I will pinch and put garden around other side of lawn, then a fountain and plant in middle.... TU.... and Amazing.....
Always a great treat to inspire others. Look forward to seeing your creations on GPOD, have fun!
Good morning Lynda, We can always rely on PNW gardeners to raise the bar. Your terrific photos have done that big time this morning. Lionel Ritchie once described the opening verse of his songs as the hook. Your 1st. photo with the splash of reds & path is a terrific hook for the beautiful garden photos that follow.
Thank you for posting your garden photos this morning,Good luck, Joe
Hi Joe - Glad you were able to make the time in your busy social calendar. Haha- we love your quotes and considered gardening comments. Cheers, Frank
Thank you for your kind words Joe and nice to have you back on GPOD. Happy Spring to you and your gardens.
Such a joyous garden, Lynda, and a celebration plants. Way to decorate the earth! I love the collection and visual stimulation everywhere. I'm glad to see that despite all the rain, your garden has not washed away, so we can get plenty more virtual visits. Thank you for sharing.
So glad you enjoyed ! Much soggy ground here but the trees are working hard at sucking it all up - I'm just always hopeful that they don't fall over! Lost one tree this winter that just keeled over from too much wet.
What a delightful garden. Love all the touches of color (especially the blue) you have throughout the flower beds using pots, bottles, balls, etc. The fat 'buddha' toad brought a smile and made me think you have a wry sense of humor. The heuchera in picture 6 seems quite happy with your wetter than usual weather this year. You could send a little of your rain to the southeast corner of the US; we are experiencing a rather dry spell ... again. Thanks for sharing.
You are so welcome, isn't it great fun to share with other plant loving gardeners :)
What a lovely garden!!!! Love the sprinkles of colour among the greens!!! You must have a sizeable garden as it seems that there is so much to see!!! Everything looks so healthy and it is well planned!!! The rain only enhances the eye=popping colours!!! Thank you for sharing!
Actually, the garden is not that large, just really stuffed! Thanks for your nice comments.
Hmm, Lynda, I guess "lush" is an understatement at this point...in fact, with all the rain, you're probably on the verge of tropical jungle ...but things sure look great! Is that huechera really gargantuan or is its super size appearance the result of the camera angle? Love the chartreusey fern behind it and then the color echoes of orange in the background. Include me as a fan of Mr. Buddha Toad/Frog along with Sonya...he made me also smile and feel a sense of kinship...with you for loving fun garden ornamentation and with him for having an attack of the chubbies. I always love seeing different parts of your garden.
Thank you Michaela, I do think I have reached the saturation point on 'whimsey' but I just can't help myself ! The 'tropical jungle' is beginning to grow into just that, with a little more sun things will suddenly become gihugic!! So glad you enjoyed.
Good morning, Lynda. Such a pleasure to end the week with views of your lush landscape. The last photo with Dicentra 'Gold Heart' and the blue ornaments create a playful contrast. Love the vivid color of the Heuchera. I am amazed it looks so great with the wet soil. You must have great drainage. The Cyrtomium behind it is a fabulous pairing.
I really enjoyed the second photo with the shed in the background. And the Buddha Frog-so fun. I really enjoyed your tour. You have a lovely garden.
Thanks Kevin, so glad you enjoyed all. I do spend hours 'playing' in the garden which is why I enjoy so much whimsey!
What a sweet way to end the week on GPOD, your gardens are always a feast for the eyes, Lynda. Apparently the non-stop rain you have dealt with for the past several months did nothing but enhance your gardens, the greens are greener and the colors are brighter. Simply beautiful! Question... how many times did your shoes get bogged down in the mud? Haha!
Thank you Sheila, no mud - just moss! Glad you enjoyed
While it may be cloudy your blue accents certainly brighten up your lovely garden. The Bleeding Heart is amazing as is your Heuchera. Your happy and larger than life frog is such fun. The blue orb in the picture with the garden hose looks like a Robin's egg. Maybe a Robin's egg on steroids. LOL Vikki in VA
The 'robin's egg orb' is a multi-layered glass ball, a gift from my husband that he mounted on a piece of plastic pipe after painting it green. garden hose? Glad you enjoyed.
If this is garden with problems, I want to see it without. I love love love your garden! VikkiB, I thought the same thing about the Robin's egg. Scary sized bird! This is just beautiful. Thank you!!
Thank you for your comments Peggy Jo.
Oh my, Lynda, I really don't have time to look at photos but I couldn't help checking out yours. I know they will always be a treat. Your fat frog looks quite happy with all the rain you've gotten.
'Fat Frog' is the garden sentry and a much loved gift from one of my sons - he really loves all of the rain!
Looking fantastic, Linda, despite your inundation! It's wonderful seeing your containers and blue elements at this time of year in your garden, before they're more fully integrated into the foliage. They really stand out as great garden features! Wishing warmer weather your way!
Thanks Tim, and things are beginning to warm up and soon the gardens will be a jungle - the end result of so much rain!
Hi Linda! Looking good! Everything is really getting greener and perky. Your beds are so full of interesting plants and objects which i love so much! The edging is wonderful and really sets the beds. With all the rain we have had it seems to have really helped your gardens! Great to see today! Until we meet again....
Thanks Jeanne, until then :)
I think all the rain makes your gardens very happy. So beautiful! Please share more pictures later in the season.
Rain IS wonderful but sure can make gardening difficult at times. Thank you.
Beautiful, Linda. I too love all the blue accents setting off your lovely garden. It has been a wet one, hasn't it! I have so enjoyed the last few days of sunshine. All of my rhodies and azaleas are blooming, lilacs too - love spring!
So much to look at Lynda! The blue really does make the garden pop! A great way to end our week. Thanks!
Good Lord !!! Is THAT what huechera looks like with RAIN ???? ? Sorry for your over abundance of the liquid- But - I whined for 7 months of nary a drop ? last year. When it finally rained - my freaking azaleas budded. I watered 2x a day - but the plants hate chlorine. Your garden is FAB U LOUS !!!! This year - it's wind so far. Always the weather messing with our beloved plants- but ... they are SO tough ! Thank you for sharing your garden!
Thank you so much, glad you enjoyed. I think not only a lot of rain helps but our sun is not real intense (of course more would help too!) so plants enjoy a fairly pleasant life. Good luck with your gardens.
Thank you so much Diane, so glad you enjoyed.
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