Garden Photo of the Day

Summer in NJ

By Alexandra Dittrich

Surinder Chadha garden in Northern New Jersey all year round.

"My name is Surinder Chadha. Gardening is my hobby and I do year round gardening.  I live in Northern New Jersey and do indoor gardening during winter.  I wait for the arrival of spring to start my outside garden with cool weather plants and start seeding for my summer garden. These are photos of my summer garden.  Maybe I will share my winter garden in the winter as it is quite unique."

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View 13 comments


  1. user-7007498 08/24/2016

    Surinda: Thanks for sharing your garden. Your collection of pots on the deck is quite impressive, and must keep you busy with daily watering duties. Love the crape myrtle in the background in the last picture. I am surprised how good the caladiums look at this time in the summer with all the root competition for water. Keep up the good work.

  2. frankgreenhalgh 08/24/2016

    Hello Surinder - What a neat and tidy garden you have with such a nice combination of in-ground and potted plants! I look forward to seeing your post of your winter garden.

    I'm also looking forward to spring time (commencing officially in a bit over a week) in my part of the world. Cheers, Frank

  3. User avater
    meander_michaele 08/24/2016

    Such a joyful display of colorful annuals...stepping out on your deck must feel like arriving at a fun party in full swing. I esp. like how you have committed to some of the dark foliaged plants and given them their own individual containers so that they can grow full and lush and make a strong impression. I can't help but wonder if you winter over indoors many of your annuals or start fresh each year? And, an emphatic Yes to please share some pictures of your winter garden...I suspect it will be a real inspiration and spirit lifter.

  4. User avater
    treasuresmom 08/24/2016

    Love your use of annuals and all that wonderful color.

  5. user-4691082 08/24/2016

    Surinder, you must be the envy of your neighborhood! Tell us which annuals you start from seed and what kind of indoor space do you have to grow them all? Beautiful!

  6. NCYarden 08/24/2016

    Impressive, Surinder. I admire your dedication to the potted plant garden, and it looks brilliantly amazing. Everything is so well manicured. Thanks for sharing, and looking forward to more.

  7. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 08/24/2016

    So nice! I love all of the containers on the deck. That's a lot of work and your loving care shows!

  8. sheila_schultz 08/24/2016

    Surinder, you must smile every time you step out on your color-filled deck! You have an amazing number of containers filled with lush and healthy annuals... watering and fertilizing has to be a full time job!!! I'm eager to see the magic you create inside during the colder months!

  9. User avater
    LindaonWhidbey 08/24/2016

    Surinder, it would be great to see what your winter garden looks like after seeing this cheerful summer display. I'm also curious to see if you overwinter any of your potted plants. Thanks for sharing your beautiful garden.

  10. schatzi 08/24/2016

    Gorgeous! Love the conifers and all the color. The deck display is magnificent! Great job.

  11. user-2438129 08/24/2016

    Many thanks for your generous and kind comments about my summer garden. In response to some of your question, I have about 170 containers on my deck which wraps around on three sides of my home. It takes me daily 1-2 hours watering and caring for the planters. Some of the flowers that I start from seed are: Dahlia, Dianthus, Marigold, Petunia, Verbena, Verbenium, Vinca and Zinnia. For winter gardening I bring most foliage plants indoor. They hang from the ceilings as my home has mostly high ceilings. Only few flowering plants that I bring indoor and keep on the floor are: angle begonia, geranium, queen of the night, king of thorn, oxalis, thanksgiving/Christmas/spring cactus.

  12. wGardens 08/24/2016

    Enjoyed seeing your lovely bursts of color everywhere- and using the conifers as well. Your neighbors must walk very S L O W L Y past your yard every time they go by....what a treat to see and enjoy! Yes! I am sure we'd all love to see your winter gardens! Thank you!

  13. grannieannie1 08/24/2016

    So lovely! There is something about a large collection of blooming potted plants on a deck that is very welcoming and lively. In the heat of the summer keeping them watered and deadheaded must be a major commitment on your part. What sort of potting mix have you found works best? And do you mulch the pots also?

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