The Dirt

The origins of everyday things

Photo/Illustration: Andrew Keys
Photo/Illustration: Andrew Keys

Way back when, I used to collect rubber duckies. When you start to have more than a few dozen of something, you start to wonder where they came from. I began to picture factories in China, pushing out thousands a day, and rubber duckies didn’t seem quite as cute as they once did. Some things, however, are even cooler when you find out where they come from. Take the aloe gel that you use on your sunburn, for instance. I never really thought about it, but recently my friend Andrew took a trip to Curaçao,and while he was there, besides fulfilling a life-long dream of riding an ostrich (still waiting on those photos, Andy…), he took some time to visit an Aloe vera plantation. Now his slideshow of the visit is posted on his blog. Go on over and take a look—it’s fascinating!

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