Garden Lifestyle

Tomato Lovers Need This Catalog

The Tomato Growers Supply Company catalog offers a tomato to suit every gardener’s taste.

The 2011 Tomato Growers Supply Company catalog includes 6 new tomatoes, 6 new peppers, and a beautiful new eggplant.
Photo/Illustration: John Pendleton

Are you the kind of gardener who loves growing tomatoes as much as I do? If you answered ‘yes’ to that question, have I got a catalog for you.

Tomato Growers Supply Company, based in Fort Myers, Fla., is all-business when it comes to tomatoes. Just like its name, this seed company is focused on giving tomato growers exactly what they want—an incredible assortment of heirloom and hybrid tomatoes.

One December I gave my mother-in-law the company’s catalog and said, “Just pick what you want and I’ll start the seeds for you.”

With snow on the ground and wind rattling the windows, it was easy for her to get lost in the warm, glowing tomato photos and their mouth-watering descriptions. She read the catalog from cover to cover and circled a variety on nearly every page.


Tomato Growers Supply Company
PO Box 60015
Fort Myers, FL 33906

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Tomato Growers Supply also introduced me to two of my own favorite tomatoes: ‘Giant Belgium’ and ‘Sprite’. Both of these produced super results, especially considering these were free bonus seeds for placing orders during two different seasons.

As a gardener, I especially appreciate how the catalog is divided into sections that make it easy for me to find a tomato by its growing season, from early to late. Planting a few of each kind ensures a continuous tomato harvest all season. The catalog also features tomatoes by categories like beefsteak, paste, and small-fruited.

But the section where I usually spend most of my time (and money) is where tomatoes are divvied up by color. It’s always difficult for me to decide whether I want black or green, orange or white, yellow or striped.

For those who can’t decide what to buy, Tomato Growers Supply offers seed collections to help narrow the list.

Although tomatoes are the company’s focus, the catalog also offers a good assortment of sweet or hot peppers, tomatillos, and eggplant.

Of course, seed starting supplies, books, and equipment for growing tomatoes are included in the catalog’s pages.

More catalog reviews…

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