Garden Photo of the Day

Where’s Waldo?

Photo/Illustration: Danielle Sherry
Photo/Illustration: Danielle Sherry


The bunny, that is. Can you find him?

Associate Editor Danielle Sherry spent a bit of time with this fellow as she took photos at Blithewold Mansion, Gardens, & Arboretum in Rhode Island. He scurried back and forth, collecting bits of feathergrass to take back to his burrow under the agave. Perhaps he/she was building a nest? Lots of lettuces in this mixed bed make this a very appealing neighborhood for bunnies.

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  1. nerrijane 03/30/2010

    That Waldo is pretty tricky.. but I found you big fella!!

    fun picture!!

    best wishes happy gardener

  2. mcfingon 03/30/2010

    They are very difficult to photograph. But two years ago, one visited my garden on a daily basis and allowed me to get closer. I managed to take several photos, since then, I've only spotted the ears peaking over weeds.

  3. catsdogs 03/30/2010

    Enjoyed your picture today, Makes me wish I had a backyard like that, Ha, I see you Bunny, He is cute, great stuff, Happy Easter////

  4. arboretum 03/30/2010

    ooh, the BENCH, the BENCH!!!!! danielle, did you note what they were growing on it? It is sooo cool!

    It would be great if they had a bench opposite it so you could sit and take it in. I am a big believer in sitting nooks as important garden elements, for the rest and conmtemplation they afford and the potential for building garden vignettes around them.

  5. ThankGod4Gardening 04/01/2010

    I hear Waldo tastes like chicken?!!!

    Sorry about that--all in fun, I was having flashbacks about the damage his cousins did in my gardens this winter.

    Cute photo!

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