Herbs - Page 7 of 28 - Fine Gardening
Sage—It’s not just for turkey!
Every year when Thanksgiving rolls around, folks get out their spice jars of neglected, little used sage--albeit some buy it fresh for the holiday, and then there of those of…
End of Gardening Season: Celebrate the Harvest!
We have had our frost warning in my zone 7 Maryland area and I went out the day of the prediction and gathered all of the green tomatoes still on…
Hop Happy
We had a pre- and post-conference tour for the IHA conference and both were fun and action-packed. However the post conference tour to visit hop farms and breweries was a…
Kitchen Gardening
Start Harvesting History by Planting Garlic
Fall is an unusual time for a new gardening catalog to appear in the mail, but timing is everything. The first catalog from the folks at Harvesting History includes more…
International Herb Association Conference in Michigan featuring Hops, Herb of the Year 2018
Last week the IHA held their conference in Hickory Corners, Michigan at the Kellogg Biological Station, which is a great place to hold a conference and be in nature at…
Kitchen Gardening
3 Easy Ways to Preserve the Herbs
Cooler nighttime temperatures mean the end is near to another vegetable gardening season. Instead of letting those beautiful culinary herbs go to seed, take a few minutes to snip and…
Kitchen Gardening
Chili Pepper Season: Here’s a Trio to Try
Being a confessed chilehead, I have grown many varieties for over 40 years. Here are a few that might be new to you, that I think are worthwhile growing.
Kitchen Gardening
Garden Seeds, Fruits and Flowers to Watch for Now
Many garden plants are already setting seed, which come in infinite shapes, sizes and textures. Want to know when to harvest? What to leave and for how long? What to…
You Can Grow a Lot of Hot Weather Plants Down Here in the Ozarks
I'm still here in the Ozarks after teaching summer folk school classes last week. This gardening season, the gardeners planted lots of plants here with the upcoming Herb Harvest Fall…
Garden Design that Looks Great After Hours
After a busy day, you need rejuvenation. You want the renewal that comes from putting aside work, to-do lists, and digital devices. You need to pause before rushing into dinner…