Idaho - Page 6 of 19 - Fine Gardening

  • Article

    Mountain West November Garden To-Do List

    Give the lawn a final mowing. Depending upon the weather, the final lawn mowing can happen in late October up to mid-November. I tend to do this cutting a little…

  • arbutus ojai

    Choosing Fire-Resistant Plants in Southern California

    Once upon a time, the wildfire season in Southern California lasted for a couple of months in the autumn. Not anymore! Since these days wildfires can hit us at any…

  • fruiting shrub

    Fruiting Shrubs for the Mountain West

    I first became interested in gardening because I wanted to learn to grow food for myself and my family. I started by growing vegetables in a community garden plot. Fast-forward…

  • garden with lots of pink plants

    Patsy’s Tiered Garden

    We're visiting Patsy Lahue's Colorado garden today. This garden is built in several levels with these beautiful brick retaining walls. I love how this allows all the plants to shine,…

  • pine trees infested with pine ips beetles

    Pest Control for the Mountain West: Ips Beetles

    Many of us who call the Rockies home are familiar with the devastation to our forests by the mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae). Millions of acres of lodgepole pines (Pinus…

  • How-To

    Mountain West September To-Do List

    Replant containers for fall. As the weather cools, you may choose to add some fall color to your containers. You can empty containers entirely and replant, or leave the foundational…

  • Bitter cherry

    Plants for Birds in the Mountain West

    As William Cullina mentions in his article on plants for birds, the sad reality is songbirds are disappearing: “Habitat loss, pesticides, and the accompanying decline of insect populations have contributed…

  • magenta coneflowers

    Perennials for Intense Heat and Sun in the Mountain West

    As we head into the dead heat of summer, parts of the garden can begin looking a little tired. Fortunately, there are several perennials that thrive in the heat and…

  • Palmers penstemon

    Penstemons Native to the Mountain West

    I recently had the pleasure of taking a road trip across central and southern Colorado and Utah, exploring many of the natural wonders found in those two states. It was…

  • soaker hose drip irrigation

    The Pros and Cons of Different Irrigation Systems for the Mountain West

    I had my first experience with an irrigation system when I moved to the Mountain West. That was over two decades ago, but who’s counting? I froze my backflow preventer…