Idaho - Page 9 of 19 - Fine Gardening
Repurposed Garden Decor
Today we’re visiting an unusual and beautiful garden in Idaho. My name is Jeff, and I’m a landscaper in Boise, Idaho. I thought you might be interested in seeing some…
Cold-Hardy Cacti for the Mountain West
For the last several years, succulents have been all the rage for both the garden and the home. And what’s not to love about succulents? They are generally water-wise, have…
Plant Collecting in Colorado
Kathy Lariviere sent in today’s photos. When we moved to this Colorado Springs, Colorado, house almost seven years ago, I vowed that I would try to keep my plant addiction…
Regional Picks: Tough Plants—Mountain West
See regional picks for tough pretty plants, and read the article by Julie Lane Gray for even more ideas. It’s important to define first what I mean by a “tough”…
Mountain West August Garden To-Do List
It’s harvest time! In my garden, harvest season takes off in August. Beans, squash, tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers are producing steadily. Stay on top of harvesting to encourage more flowering…
Rocky Mountain Rock Gardens, Part II: Plant Picks
One of the many reasons I love the Mountain West is the astonishing number of perennials that thrive in our landscapes. Less humidity, warm days, and cool nights provide the…
Mountain West July Garden To-Do List
Harvest and replant the vegetable garden. For several weeks, lettuce, spinach, and other greens have been getting harvested regularly, but they are now looking tired and going to seed due…
Mountain West June Garden To-Do List
Care for your containers. As new annuals get established in their containers, provide them with regular moisture. As the month goes on, deadhead plants to encourage continuous blooming, and provide…
Mountain West May Garden To-Do List
Get outside to enjoy the garden. During these unprecedented times of the COVID-19 pandemic, gardening has become even more of a respite—a way to get outside, connect to nature, and…
Rocky Mountain Rock Gardens, Part I: Build Your Own
Several years ago, we opened a new rock garden at the Gardens on Spring Creek, the botanic garden in Fort Collins where I serve as executive director. The beautiful showpiece…