Midwest - Page 12 of 72 - Fine Gardening

  • summer perennials for the midwest

    Peak-Season Perennials for the Midwest

    While we would all ideally have gardens that look at their peak in every season, the reality is often far from that ideal. Very few of us have all the…

  • Design

    Bouquets from Amanda

    Amanda Benick is sharing with us today from Cincinnati (Zone 6b). Amanda says that she has been having a bad spring, with lots of up-and-down weather, going from freezing cold…

  • columnar trees

    8 Great Columnar Trees for the Midwest

    Vertical elements in the landscape become “visual beacons” and act not only as focal points but as elements of accent and contributors of scale. Narrow and columnar deciduous trees can…

  • stone garden path cutting through large plantings of white flowers

    Gardening at the 45th Parallel (Zone 4b)

    Today we’re in chilly Zone 4b, visiting Susan Warde’s Minnesota garden. Before my husband and I bought our current home in 1981, we’d pass it on neighborhood walks. Gazing at…

  • silvery blue Cuban wax palm

    GPOD on the Road: Gage Park Tropical Greenhouse

    Friend-of-the-GPOD Cherry Ong is taking us along today to tour a beautiful greenhouse. Serendipitous visits are fun! In a recent trip to Ontario, we saw a street banner that advertised…

  • spring container planting with pussy willow stems twisted into a decorative structure

    Spring Container Designs

    Last year Howard Nemeroff, the owner of Plant Parenting in Chicago, shared some gorgeous images of a window box he designed through the four seasons (One Window Box, Four Seasons),…

  • invasives in the midwest

    Identifying and Controlling Common Invasive Plants

    As another gardening season kicks into gear, one of the more unsavory, yet necessary, tasks is scouting for problematic, common invasive plants. These undesirable plants typically infiltrate our gardens, meadows,…

  • close up of purple hyacinths

    Spring Discoveries

    Hi, this is Joseph in Indiana. I moved into my house about a year and a half ago, and the yard was a completely taken over by masses of invasive…

  • close up of yellow trout lily flowers

    Ohio Natives in Bloom

    Spring is when the native wildflowers in the woods really show off. I love this time of year, when I can go out to look for all my favorites in…

  • close up of deep purple crocus flowers

    GPOD on the Road: VanDusen Botanical Garden

    Cherry Ong is taking us along to a see early spring bloomers at VanDusen Botanical Garden in Vancouver, British Columbia, on a perfectly sunny spring day. Now that is a…