Midwest - Page 13 of 72 - Fine Gardening

  • grassy path through garden beds in full bloom

    Kathy’s Iowa Garden, Part 2

    Today we're back in Sheldon, Iowa, visiting the beautiful garden Kathy Schreurs has created with her husband around their 130-year-old house. When we reworked a side yard this past year,…

  • backyard garden with birdbath and purple flowers

    Kathy’s Iowa Garden

    I just scrolled again through Keith’s Zone 3 photos (Return to Keith's Zone 3 Garden) of his garden full of hot-colored annuals and perennials. So vibrant! Hmmm . . .…

  • Rabbits foot fern growing in a hanging basket inside

    Some Houseplant Successes This Winter

    This is Joe in northern Indiana. I’m a confident gardener outside, but I often struggle with houseplants. They are, however, a pretty essential aspect of getting through our long, cold,…

  • close up of yellow pink and blue spring bulbs

    GPOD on the Road: Centennial Park Conservatory

    Friend-of-the-GPOD Cherry Ong was in Toronto recently and sent us these photos from the Centennial Park Conservatory. These are specifically of a part of the greenhouse where there was a…

  • plants to buy midwest

    Shopping-List Plants for the Midwest

    Little kids have Christmas. Gardeners have spring. To anyone who loves plants, this is the most wonderful time of the year. As warmer weather approaches, gardeners across the country eagerly anticipate…

  • close up of two snow trillium flowers

    First Blooms of Early Spring

    It's Joseph here in Indiana! It is still early spring here, and after a mild winter the temps have turned cool again, slowing everything down—but the earliest bloomers are already…

  • various bright yellow flowers around a white picket fence

    Keith’s Zone 3 Garden

    My name is Keith Irvine. I am 70 years old, and I am guessing that I started my first garden somewhere between the ages of 6 and 10. I grew…

  • cat sipping water from garden water feature

    Visiting John’s Beautiful Gardens Again

    Today we’re revisiting John Blair’s beautiful garden in Michigan. I thought Garden Photo of the Day might enjoy seeing some updates on the progress of my pollinator gardens since my…

  • close up of large purple Lupine spires

    Ruth’s Ohio Garden

    Today’s photos are from Ruth Barker. I love all flowers and plants, and I love to try new introductions with my existing plantings. I prefer to have lots of pollinators.…

  • spring flowers for fragrance

    Plants with Early Spring Flower Fragrance for the Midwest

    In the Midwest, any bit of early spring color is welcome as we transition from the long winter months. Throw some early spring-flower fragrance into the mix, and that is…