Midwest - Page 28 of 72 - Fine Gardening

  • shaded garden with two chairs looking out towards a sunny garden space beyond

    Criss’s Ohio Garden

    Today’s photos are from Criss in northeastern Ohio. I have 2½ acres with an old house and outbuildings. I have two separate yards east and west, and they are separated…

  • Coreopsis grandiflora

    Anna’s Illinois Garden

    Today we’re in Elburn, Illinois, visiting Anna Kurian’s beautiful garden. Anna’s garden is a lush tangle of beautifully blooming perennials. Shasta daisies (Leucanthemum × superbum, Zones 4–9) just coming into…

  • Blondo miscanthus

    Grasses for Winter Structure in the Midwest

    There is a wide variety of beautiful perennial grasses that are great for the Midwest landscape. They provide color, form, texture, and movement through their foliage and flowers. They can…

  • Tall ferns with blue and red flowers in front of them

    Jason’s Garden in a City

    Today we’re in Evanston, Illinois, in the Chicago suburbs, visiting Jason Kay’s beautiful garden. I've been gardening since around the age of 12. (I'm now 62.) I’ve had my current…

  • Missouri Botanical Garden

    In the Greenhouse at the Missouri Botanical Garden

    Today we’re taking a tropical escape with Linda Mayer. I visited the iconic geodesic dome Climatron at Missouri Botanical Garden in St. Louis. Because I am very eager to resume…

  • monarch butterflies on a liatris flower spike

    A Garden for Butterflies in Michigan

    Today we’re off to Michigan to see John Blair’s incredible butterfly and hummingbird garden. I sent in some of my garden photos back in 2013 for Garden Photo of the…

  • Shrubby St Johns Wort

    Great Native Plants for the Midwest

    Growing native plants is the gardening equivalent of having your cake and eating it too. Not only are these plants beautiful and more likely to thrive in your landscape, they…

  • Hannah's Flower Garden

    Hannah’s Flower Garden

    Today’s photos come from Hannah Miller. Hi GPOD people! I am an organic vegetable farmer alongside my husband and four kids in southeastern Minnesota, near Rochester. My passion is my…

  • Flame willow

    Hot Winter Color in the Midwest with Willows and Dogwoods

    Winter in the Midwest doesn’t have to mean an absence of bright color. Of course we should be enjoying textures provided by our ornamental grasses, dormant perennials, and other plantings…

  • Pink flowers poking up out of the snow

    Winter Interest in Indiana

    Today we're in central Indiana visiting with John Chapin, who has been gardening for over 45 years. Our four acres of property was just a field of weeds with a…