Midwest - Page 9 of 72 - Fine Gardening
Agaves in Ontario
Alice Fleurkens in Sweaburg, Ontario, has shared her garden with us several times on the GPOD, but today she sent in some photos of a friend’s garden, which is just…
8 Slam-Dunk Perennials for the Midwest
While our gardens are always changing, we certainly put a lot of pressure on our plants to perform and look good, particularly the perennials. The wide range of soils and…
Late Summer in Michigan
Today we’re in Nella’s Michigan garden. Usually my spring garden is my favorite. It's a lovely welcome to the new gardening season after a cold, gray Michigan winter. This year…
Bath Time! (for Birds)
Today’s photos are from Susan Warde in St. Paul, Minnesota (Zone 4b). I love ponds and waterfalls and fountains but don’t want to deal with the work they entail. So…
Summer in Wendy’s Garden
Today we’re visiting Wendy’s garden in Cleveland Township in northern Michigan. In high summer, lush greenery is dotted with flowers, and there are lots of places to sit, look out,…
Garden Party at Bill’s
Today’s photos are from Bill Ziebarth. I live in Duluth, Minnesota, and have been gardening in this location for 26 years. This is the third time I have submitted photos…
Keith’s Japanese-Inspired Garden
Keith Irvine, in chilly Zone 3 in Canada, shared his gorgeous vegetable garden with us last week (Keith's Vegetable Garden), and today we’re visiting a different section of the garden.…
Paula’s Ottawa Garden
Today we’re visiting Paula Brown's beautiful garden in Ottawa, Ontario. I love my plants, and they love me. These pictures were taken a couple of weeks ago, and more plants…
Keith’s Vegetable Garden
We’re visiting with Keith Irvine today, who gardens in chilly Zone 3 in Oxdrift, Ontario. We visited Keith’s garden before (Keith's Zone 3 Garden). I would have to say that…
Pest Alert: Watch Out for Zimmerman Pine Moth
First found in the United States in 1879, Zimmerman pine moth (Dioryctria zimmermani) is a small gray insect with zigzag lines of red and gray and a wingspan of 1…