Northern Plains - Page 6 of 13 - Fine Gardening
Satisfying Your Zone Envy in the Northern Plains
There are many plants that grow in the rest of the United States that we probably will never be able to grow in the Northern Plains. However, there are a…
Rejuvenation Pruning for Shrubs
We all have them in our landscape—those leggy, overgrown, multistemmed shrubs that maybe have not received the proper pruning each year to maintain the healthy and robust habit they once…
4 Must-Have Plants for the Northern Plains
As garden centers start to open their doors for the season (and we get ready to run into them with open arms), we decided to ask some regional experts what…
Snow Mold in the Northern Plains: Prevention and Recovery
One of my favorite signs of spring is brown winter grass turning green again. Unfortunately, that beautiful sight is often marred by unsightly patches of snow mold, a lawn fungus…
Deciduous Trees for Winter Interest in the Northern Plains
Winter in the Northern Plains brings an opportunity to appreciate the deciduous trees in our landscape for more than just the leaves and flowers they provide. Form and texture really…
Great Native Plants for the Northern Plains
Growing native plants is the gardening equivalent of having your cake and eating it too. Not only are these plants beautiful and more likely to thrive in your landscape, they…
Preventing and Repairing Winter Tree Damage in the Northern Plains
In the Northern Plains, we have a long season of heavy, wet snow and ice, which can cause significant damage to our shrubs and trees. With most plants in a…
Hardy Hibiscus for the Northern Plains
Each year the National Garden Bureau chooses a bulb, annual, perennial, edible, and shrub to be featured in its “Year of the” program to draw attention to unique plants and…
Regional Picks: Foundation-Friendly Plants – Northern Plains
Find foundation-friendly plants for the Northern Plains below, and read the article by Nick McCullough for even more ideas: “The most critical aspect of your foundation beds is selecting plants…
Preventing Winter Salt Damage
In the gardening world, the area between the sidewalk and the road is often known as the hellstrip due to the difficulty in getting plants to grow, much less survive,…