Northwest - Page 16 of 47 - Fine Gardening

  • bird feeder in a pollinator-friendly garden

    Washington State Pollinator Garden

    Today’s photos are from James Mahar. We own 21.5 acres in Washington State dedicated to wildlife, including a 20,000-square-foot spot specifically for pollinators. Here are a few photos. This area…

  • big mass of sunflowers

    A Sunflower Festival

    Today, regular GPOD contributor Cherry Ong from British Columbia, Canada, is sharing photos from a trip she took recently. Thought your readers would enjoy some photos from my visit to…

  • greenhouse lit up at night

    Stained-Glass Greenhouse in Alaska

    Barb Stigen is sharing photos today of an incredible greenhouse she created with her husband in Alaska. It all started with 36 antique stained-glass windows Barb purchased at an auction,…

  • How-To

    Northwest September Garden To-Do List

    September in the Pacific Northwest is a very transitory time. The garden wants to continue summer but is also headed into fall. The two distinct chore paths for gardeners can…

  • garden path leading to small patio

    Lila’s Garden Makeover

    Today we’re visiting with Lila Johnson (whose garden we’ve visited before: The Flowers of August). My garden has been featured in the GPOD previously, but after much thought and several…

  • Pacific Wax Myrtle

    Plants for Birds in the Northwest

    As William Cullina mentions in his article on plants for birds, the sad reality is songbirds are disappearing: “Habitat loss, pesticides, and the accompanying decline of insect populations have contributed…

  • pink flowers in a garden

    Extraordinary Roses for the Northwest

    When I talk to most gardeners about roses, they often roll their eyes. Yes, roses have been around forever, and here in the Pacific Northwest they are problematic at best…

  • ferns growing in a woodland garden

    The Versatility of Ferns in the Northwest

    In the past three years I have become a firm fan of ferns. The fiddleheads, which emerge in spring, are very subtle and primeval in shape. They draw you back…

  • symmetrical garden patio with built in garden beds

    Designing From the Top Down in the Northwest

    Designers talk about sight lines, which lead the eye through gardens and pathways with a destination. In the Pacific Northwest we have another viewpoint to consider. Many of our houses…

  • hop vine

    Kathleen’s Favorite Gold Plants

    My name is Kathleen Shelman, and I have been gardening for more than 30 years on an acre outside of Portland, Oregon. We are in the foothills of the Cascades,…