Northwest - Page 19 of 47 - Fine Gardening

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    Fragrant Foliage for the Northwest

    Gardeners who live in the Northwest region will find the weather affects what they do from day to day. When the weather is gloomy, gray, wet, and cold, we run…

  • Charity mahonia

    Winter-Blooming Shrubs for the Northwest

    December brings some of the darkest and shortest days of the year. During this time, I often find myself trying to get out for a walk to enjoy the short-lived…

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    Reliable Performers for the Northwest

    We all want the newest, jazziest plants available, but a garden is not complete without a backbone of infallible plants that provide interest whether your new investments flourish or fail.…

  • Silvervein creeper

    Explosive Late Fall Color in the Northwest

    Fall is a wonderful time of year in the Pacific Northwest. I really enjoy the slower pace in my garden and my clients’ gardens. My walks around the neighborhood and…

  • tree fern

    How to Overwinter Tender Perennials Outdoors in the Pacific Northwest

    Brr! A sense of urgency surrounds the weather forecast in the Northwest. October is over, with its subtle reminders and soft colors of apricot and red. Winter is on its…

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    Shelter-at-Home Garden Projects

    Today’s photos come from Karen Howe, who is sharing some of the things she's been up to during this year of staying home and staying safe. I garden on a…

  • cut branches

    Northwest December Garden To-Do List

    December is a great time of year to reflect on this season in the garden and the amazing challenges you have endured this year. Before the next season starts, make…

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    Seeing the Garden Through New Eyes

    Today’s post comes from Erla Richards in Independence, Oregon: My daughter, Kristen, stayed with me for over a week, helping me care for her dad. She is an early riser…

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    Fall in the Pacific Northwest

    Today we’re visiting Jeanne Cronce’s garden. With almost 40 years of gardening behind me on our five acres here in the Pacific Northwest, I am still learning about plants and…

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    Fall Color in Washington

    Today’s photos are from Lori Ann Fowler in Newhalem, Washington. I am sure you have tons of fall photos with amazing color, but I had to share these with you.…