Ohio - Page 2 of 54 - Fine Gardening

  • midwest moon garden

    Moon Garden Inspiration

    My wife and I are both avid gardeners, but we typically only find time to sit and enjoy the landscape at dusk or after sunset. To maximize the evening appeal…

  • Flame Thrower eastern redbud

    Shopping-List Plants for the Midwest

    If you’ve run into a garden rut, we’ve got you covered. It’s time to start planning for your first trip to the local nursery or garden center. What plants will…

  • sloped garden densely planted

    Design Ideas for Managing Rainwater in Your Garden

    Whenever I am working to resolve water problems in a landscape, I must acknowledge that water will always win. The best we can do is creatively direct it toward the…

  • Garfield Park Conservatory

    Have You Visited the Garfield Park Conservatory?

    The winter doldrums are a reality in the Midwest, especially for gardeners, but an immersive plant adventure at your local conservatory is a sure way to lift your spirits. Fortunately,…

  • table and bench inside potting shed

    Brad’s DIY Greenhouse

    Hey there! My name is Brad Johnson, and I garden in northeastern Ohio (Zone 6b). I’m sharing some photos of my DIY greenhouse/potting shed. We constructed this over the summer…

  • spring planting plan midwest

    Spring Planting Plan for the Midwest

    In her article "Spring Planting Ideas," Michelle Gervais beautifully illustrates the magical time that is the start of spring: "Our winter-weary spirits lift as hints of green begin to appear.…

  • evergreen plants in containers on either side of front steps of home

    The Best Dwarf Evergreens for Winter Containers

    No garden is complete without at least a few containers for seasonal color. I always specify locations for planters when I create a new landscape design, with the intention of…

  • garden border along a fence with pink and yellow flowers

    Alana’s Ohio Garden

    My name is Alana and I garden in Columbus, Ohio. My current garden is about 7 years old and I’m constantly tweaking it. One of my favorite parts of gardening…

  • growing herbs in cold frames

    Winter Herb Gardening: Easy Herbs to Grow in a Cold Frame

    Cold frames are a great way to get a jump-start on or extend the gardening season. An easy way to get started with cold-frame growing is to put it to…

  • cascading plants

    Cascading Woody Plants for the Midwest

    Softening tall or craggy surfaces are situations that seldom come up in my design practice, as I work in environments that are typically rather flat. There are times, however, when…