Oregon - Page 4 of 38 - Fine Gardening

  • ‘Mt. Vernon’ dwarf English laurel

    Shade-Loving Shrubs for the Northwest

    Finding interesting plants for shade can be a struggle, but when you add in the desire for that plant to be a woody shrub, the list narrows even more. But…

  • Northwest Flower & Garden Festival

    Get New Ideas from the Northwest Flower and Garden Festival

    One of my favorite things about February has always been the Northwest Flower and Garden Festival in Seattle. I first attended back in 1999 and could hardly believe my eyes.…

  • drooping purple flower in front of tiny pink flowers

    Jim’s Portland Garden

    Today we’re in Portland, Oregon, visiting Jim Rondone’s beautiful garden. While the more widely planted eastern redbud (Cercis canadensis, Zones 5–9) is native to the eastern half of North America,…

  • winter floral arrangement

    Festive Greenery—Bringing the Outside In

    As the winter creeps up and frost is evident in the world around us, many of us consider ways to stay connected with and enjoy the beauty of nature indoors.…

  • early spring flowers northwest

    Late-Winter and Early-Spring Bloomers for the Northwest

    In Jason Reeves' article Plants That Bloom in Late Winter or Early Spring, he discusses how plants that bloom during the coldest time of the year, often go underappreciated: "Some…

  • garden in fall with lots of fall flowers

    Changes in Michael’s Garden

    My name is Michael Follose, and since my last submission (Michael's Garden in Oregon and Returning to a Garden After Almost a Decade ), I’ve had two birch (Betula) trees…

  • plants with berries

    Ornamental Plants With Berries for Winter Birds in the Northwest

    While many of us may recall learning in school about the phenomenon of bird migration, some in the Pacific Northwest may not be aware that our area is a migratory…

  • close up of lewisia flowers

    Joel’s Flowers

    Today’s photos are from Joel, who gardens in the Pacific Northwest. The big purple flower heads of an allium have attracted a honeybee looking for pollen and nectar. This brilliant…

  • trees with fall color

    Trees With Great Fall Color for the Northwest

    Although summer is a great and botanically bountiful season, fall is always a much-welcome time of year—especially after the heat of summer. I love living in the Northwest. The extremes…

  • fall garden display with pumpkins

    7 Great Pumpkins for the Northwest

    As fall swiftly approaches in the Pacific Northwest I start to look forward to harvesting pumpkins. In my area there are several places to purchase pumpkins for fall eating and…