Quebec - Page 9 of 69 - Fine Gardening

  • holly with orange berries

    The Best Hollies for the Northeast

    Holly (Ilex spp. and cvs., Zones 5–9) remains underused in many gardens in the Northeast, yet few trees and shrubs offer as many benefits as hollies do. The popular English…

  • plant with white flowers in front of pink hydrangea

    Robin’s New Hampshire Garden

    Today we’re in Kensington, New Hampshire, visiting with Robin Hess. Here are some photos from my seacoast New Hampshire garden this September. I have been gardening for about four years…

  • basket of mixed greens

    Growing Fall Brassicas in the Northeast

    While many of us never really think or care about which species of brassicas we grow, there are some benefits, if not surprises, to knowing which is which, especially when…

  • Article

    Northeast November Garden To-Do List

    In November, the weather might still be a mixed bag, but diminishing daylight is shifting the seasonal cycle into a lower gear for a slow ride through winter. While some…

  • light pink dahlias

    Dahlia Care for the Northeast

    Gardeners in the Northeast look forward to dahlia season (Dahlia spp. and cvs., Zones 8–11) as one of the garden's last hurrahs. Enjoying the cooler fall weather, dahlias not only…

  • Hummingbird Summersweet

    Shrubs for Small Spaces in the Northeast

    Mark Weathington, director of the JC Raulston Arboretum at NC State University in Raleigh, North Carolina, discusses several small shrub varieties that provide big interest in a petite package as…

  • pink phlox flowers

    Susan’s Garden in the Catskills

    Today we’re in the Catskill Mountains of New York State, visiting Susan Simperfender’s garden. I’m a self-taught gardener who has benefited from advice from locals, friends, and our local nursery—and…

  • view of garden from back slope

    A Banner Year for Hydrangeas

    Today we’re in Elie Gilbert’s garden. I’ve been gardening for at least 70 years, but I’ve never seen a year like this for hydrangeas. Here in my Plymouth, Massachusetts, garden,…

  • green meadow with flowers

    Massachusetts Meadow

    Today we’re visiting Heidi Dollard’s garden. I have been gardening for 35 years in western Massachusetts. My gardens were always in the shade until four years ago, when we moved…

  • Jumping snake worm

    Pest Control for the Northeast: Jumping Snake Worms

    As if gardeners don’t have enough to contend with, an invasive worm is surprising many of us by moving into our Northeast gardens. "Worms?” you might ask. “I thought worms…