Soil Health - Page 4 of 26 - Fine Gardening
Northeast November Garden To-Do List
In November, the weather might still be a mixed bag, but diminishing daylight is shifting the seasonal cycle into a lower gear for a slow ride through winter. While some…
Look Out for Iris Leaf Spot in the Mid-Atlantic
As the Mid-Atlantic enters fall after a hot and humid summer, gardeners face many challenges. Among these are controlling pests and battling disease. Pest and disease infestations tend to be…
How to Make a More Sustainable Lawn
Patience is the key ingredient when creating sustainable landscapes that include lawns. The “quick and easy” approach—tilling the soil, working in amendments, rolling the soil to create a level base,…
Fungi Are a Sign of Soil Health
A great indicator of soil and plant health is the appearance of fungi in a lawn. The fruiting bodies of an important underground community, they often appear in the fall…
6 Big-Impact, Low-Care Ground Covers
Ground covers may be the most underappreciated plants in the garden. They don’t have the flashiest blooms or the most interesting habits, but they’re invaluable in so many other ways.…
Build Your Own Indoor Worm Farm
In keeping with Murphy’s Law, it seemed that whenever it was time to take the kitchen scraps out to my backyard compost pile, it was raining or snowing or was…
Tips and Tricks from a Mid-Atlantic Master Composter
Compost is a fundamental garden amendment that enriches soil and provides nutrients to plants. But where do you start on making your own? I talked to Gail Hermenau, Master Gardener…
Reliably Reblooming Perennial Plants
There are many things to consider when selecting a herbaceous perennial plant for the garden. Some slots are for sentimental plantings, like a piece of Grandma’s peony from the family…
Grow Native Milkweeds to Bring Pollinators to Your Garden
Monarch butterflies rely on milkweed (Asclepias spp. and cvs., Zones 3–9) as their primary host plant. As the monarchs’ western migration teeters on vanishing completely within years and the eastern…
Amending Clay Soils
While soils vary considerably across the United States, many gardeners are faced with the challenge of growing plants in heavy clay soil. This may be due to the natural composition…