Soil Health - Page 6 of 26 - Fine Gardening
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Winter Is Coming: How to Prepare Your Garden the Green Way
The seasons are changing and the weather is cooling, which means one important thing—it’s time to winterize your garden. What is winterizing, you ask? Winterizing is preparing your garden for…
5 Vegetable Garden Tasks to Do in Fall for a Happier Spring
As the growing season winds down, are you tempted to “throw in the trowel” and leave your vegetable garden cleanup until next spring? In the October 2020 issue of Fine…
How to Use Cover Crops to Improve Soil
Productive vegetable gardening is all about soil fertility. The underlining principles of maintaining healthy soil are keeping the soil covered as much as possible, disturbing the soil as little as…
Learn How to Support Soil Life
The vitality and resiliency of every garden depends on plants interacting with a vast array of insects, fungi, and microorganisms, especially those that make their homes in the soil. Through…
End-of-Season Veggie Garden Tasks
More gardeners these days see the value of holding off on fall cleanup in ornamental beds, choosing instead to leave stems and seed heads for winter beauty and for providing…
Excellent Nitrogen-Fixing Plants
Whether you have a front-yard garden the size of a postage stamp or a 100-acre hayfield, the use of nitrogen-fixing plants in your landscape can boost your soil fertility. Nitrogen-fixing…
A Small Tree With Four-Season Impact
Have you ever experienced PSFM? It stands for “post-spring flower melancholy.” It occurs after nature has given her best color seemingly all at once and then it’s over. Wouldn’t it…
Rehabilitating a Flooded Garden
The constant variable of water—too much or too little— is a part of gardening in the South. However, too much rain at once is often the case in our region.…
The Advantages of Pecan Shell Mulch
Most gardeners are familiar with the major benefits of mulch: conservation of water, cooler soil temperatures, and a reduction in weeds. The first two benefits are especially important in areas…
Hydrangea Myths Dispelled
Here are some common myths surrounding hydrangeas as well as the truths that will shine some light on what to do if you’re faced with these circumstances. See our picks…