Techniques - Page 103 of 199 - Fine Gardening

  • Miss Willmott’s ghost and ‘El Nino’ hosta

    Create a Garden with Cohesiveness

    Have you ever noticed that the best gardens have a seamless continuity? These spaces, which are often featured in gardening books and magazines, always seem to flow together beautifully because…

  • Article

    Ways to Improve Pollination in the Veggie Garden

    Procreation in the garden is pretty simple. The pollen from a flower’s stamen has to find the ovary (pistil) in another—or sometimes the same—flower; the plant is now pollinated, and…

  • ‘Axminster Gold’ Comfrey 

    Trade in Your Troublesome Plants

    If you’ve ever grown plants, odds are that you’ve tried a plant that you couldn’t (or shouldn’t) grow for some reason. Did your grandma grow lilacs on her farm in…

  • Article

    Grow Tomatoes Vertically to Enhance Your Harvest

    Tomatoes are delicious, abundant, and easy to love, but the plants on which they grow can be a challenge. Left to their own devices, tomato plants will sprawl over the…

  • ‘Caroline’ clustered campanula

    The Best Varieties of Campanula

    Contemplating the myriad of campanulas makes me feel like a kid in a candy store. The diversity of floral shapes, blossom colors, and plant habits is both astound­ing and enticing.…

  • Kitchen Gardening

    How Redworms Reproduce

    If you've ever laid in bed at night, staring at the ceiling and wondering "How do worms make babies?" Have I got a post for you.

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    Salad Days

    We've had a cool spring and rain so this year the salad greens are phenomenal. And I don't just mean lettuce (although I love the choices we have)... no ho…

  • Kitchen Gardening

    Thoughts on Compost Activators and Inoculators

    Want to rev up your compost a little?

  • Kitchen Gardening

    There’s A Garden App For That, Part III

    Need to identify a pest, plant or disease? Look no further than your mobile apps.

  • Article

    Springtime in the Emerald Isle

    Just returned from a trip to Ireland, where the countryside is lush and green from the spring rains--no wonder its moniker is the Emerald Isle. Come take a brief tour…