Techniques - Page 127 of 198 - Fine Gardening

  • How-To

    How to Divide Peonies

    You seldom hear someone complain about a big, fragrant peony blooming in spring. You often hear, however, gardeners bemoaning the retail price of a new peony plant. The good news…

  • How-To

    Dividing a Plant Without Digging It Up

    Dividing perennials improves the health of mature plants and allows you to increase the number of plants in your garden. Some can be divided right in the ground. In this…

  • How-To

    Dividing Plants with Underground Running Roots

    Underground running roots can develop suckers as they grow beyond the shade of the mother clump. These suckers can be cut away from the main plant, or you can dig…

  • How-To

    Dividing Plants with Taproots

    Plants that have taproots can be divided by using a sharp knife to slice down the length of the root. Every piece that has at least one eye, some of…

  • How-To

    Dividing Plants With Roots That Form Offsets

    To divide a plant whose roots form offsets (small plants growing at the base of a larger one), snap the connection between any of the sections to obtain a piece…

  • How-To

    Dividing Plants With Surface Roots

    Some perennials have roots that run on or just below the surface of the soil. They form new crowns and roots when they reach open spaces or make contact with…

  • How-To

    Dividing Plants with Woody Roots

    Woody perennials often form roots when stems rest on the ground or are buried by gradually accumulating mulch. Make a new plant by simply cutting between the rooted stem and…

  • How-To

    Storing Seeds

    Collecting and storing seeds for the next growing season is a great way to make more plants for free. To make sure you get vigorous seeds with a high germination…

  • ornamental grasses

    How to Divide Ornamental Grasses

    Ornamental grasses can be pretty intimidating to divide, given their size. Just remember that grasses respond best to division in spring and that you'll have the best luck if you use…

  • How-To

    Collecting Seeds

    Seed prices can add up pretty quickly, even if you only have one small bed to fill. Collecting seeds in the fall guarantees that you'll have a full summer garden…