Techniques - Page 139 of 198 - Fine Gardening

  • Article

    Setting the Record Straight on Glyphosate

    Every summer, I pull weeds from the gravel under our deck, and last summer was no exception. First, I pulled the big weeds, then I began pulling the smaller ones.…

  • How-To

    A Different Approach to Crop Rotation

    If you grew carrots, tomatoes, and beans this year, you’ll want to add a reminder to your to-do list next spring: Rotate. Crop rotation is a practice whereby gardeners plan…

  • How-To

    Two Ways to Prune New Fruit Trees

    Pruning is an art and a science. And with fruit trees, it is essential for health and robust harvests. Mature fruit trees are pruned annually to maintain their size and…

  • Article

    Rip It Out!

    Sometime during the late 19th century, someone decided to bring the Asian shrub winged euonymus (Euonymus alatus) to the United States. It grows quickly, and in fall, the leaves turn…

  • Kitchen Gardening

    Grow Some Interesting Heirloom Onion Varieties

    Grocery stores do an injustice to onions by only introducing us to a few everyday varieties, when in truth (like all vegetables) there is so much more for our taste…

  • Kitchen Gardening

    Make Your Own Seed Bombs

    Seed bombs are easy-to-make and allow you to "throw" away your seeds.

  • Kitchen Gardening

    3 Ways I Use Kitchen Scraps to Reduce Food Waste

    Incorporating a little Mother Nature goes a long way towards reducing our family's food waste. Here's how we handle much of the discarded food that leaves the kitchen.

  • Article

    A Gardener’s Collectible: The Whole Heirloom Seed Catalog

    Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds has produced the “World’s Largest Seed Catalog” for 2014. The catalog is much more than a list of seeds for sale, it’s like a must-have heirloom…

  • Article

    A Day in Washington, D.C.

    This past weekend we had glorious autumn weather--cool and crisp, bright and sunny--azure skies were the backdrop to the russets, golds, scarlet and brown of autumn leaves. What better time…

  • Article

    How to Extend the Vegetable Growing Season

    If I had a dollar for every time someone has said, “It’s too cold to grow vegetables in winter,” I could buy myself a heated greenhouse. The truth is that…