Techniques - Page 28 of 198 - Fine Gardening

  • beech leaf disease

    What You Need to Know About Beech Leaf Disease

    Gardeners best know two kinds of nematodes: those that are destructive root pests, and those that are beneficial and may be purchased to help control soil grubs, fungus gnats, thrips,…

  • How-To

    How to Grow Monsteras, Great Cultivars, and Pests to Watch Out For

    It seems like monsteras (Monstera spp. and cvs., Zones 10–12) are everywhere these days. Swiss cheese plant (M. deliciosa), with its large leaves full of fenestrations, or holes, is the…

  • Japanese maple

    Potential Sources of Trouble for Your Japanese Maple

    Although Japanese maples are generally easy-care plants, it is worth the effort to site them properly, monitor them regularly, and provide the best possible soil conditions. These precautions can help…

  • pruning japanese maples

    An Easy Approach to Pruning Japanese Maples

    The first trees appeared on earth about 400 million years ago, and they did just fine for many millennia before humans arrived on the scene. So before we get all…

  • summer snowflake flowers

    In the South, November Is the Time to Plant Bulbs

    Spring-flowering bulbs are still readily available in November, and this is a great time to plant them in our region. Daffodils, tulips, summer snowflakes, and Spanish bluebells all need as…

  • cold frame with plastic exterior

    Using Cold Frames in the Mountain West

    If you’ve lived in the Mountain West, you know how erratic the weather can be here; sometimes there are swings between temperatures with as much as a 60° to 70°F…

  • lady bugs

    How to Attract Good Bugs to Your Garden

    It happens every spring. First, a few aphids appear on the cold crops. I barely notice. A week later, the aphids have doubled. I start to get concerned. After another…

  • Follow the trails of slime. Slugs and snails sometimes leave behind glistening paths, enabling gardeners to find where they come from and where they feed. This information helps when trying to control or eradicate the local populations.

    Tips for Getting Rid of Slugs and Snails

    Silvery trails give them away: snails stalking the garden, using their single foot to glide along. Like footprints, slime trails provide clues to the behavior of these mollusks: where they’re…

  • Looking for a little structure? At different heights and configurations, lattice trellises and fences make this vegetable patch feel like a series of rooms. The framed supports also help get vining veggies off the ground.

    Lattice Can Help Organize Your Veggie Garden

    When we were building our house on a lakeshore in south­western Michigan, it wasn’t immediately clear where we would put the vegetable garden. We realized the dense shade of the…

  • collecting plant seeds

    Fall Seed Saving in the Northwest

    Days are getting shorter, and there is a soft glow to the sunlight. That can only mean one thing: Fall is upon us. With this season comes a sense of…